Somebody Ought To Grab Allahpundit By the P$$$ – IOTW Report

Somebody Ought To Grab Allahpundit By the P$$$

Update: Here is the story at WaPo- Trump recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005

The video is there and it just sounds like a bunch of men joking around. Almost like some third-rate show you would see on MTV.  As a woman, I have to say, So f-ing what?

To the melodramatic liberals- You do understand Hillary harassed the women Bill assaulted and was sleeping around with, right?  It’s all out there. Hillary even told him to put his dick away, in front of Secret Service, while he was ogling a woman on one occasion.  So, spare me.

And now, back to BFH’s post



I am sick to death by these “right-wingers” who take nuggets of “potentially damaging” political season fodder and breathlessly declare that “TRUMP IS TOAST!”

These are not predictions as much as they are hopes and wishes, and it is infuriating considering who is waiting in the wings.

I can only think that these assholes, and yes, I am calling ALLAHPUNDIT AN A$$HOLE, have calculated that it is better business to have Hillary in office, because they certainly seem to be hoping and wishing she becomes president. This cannot any longer, at this juncture, still be moronic pining for Ted Cruz, or whoever these people had high hopes for.


Speculative Portrait

This is the BOMBSHELL:

“I did try and f— her. She was married,” Trump says…

“I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn’t get there. And she was married,” Trump says. “Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look.”…

“I’ve gotta use some tic tacs, just in case I start kissing her,” Trump says.“You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait.”

“And when you’re a star they let you do it,” Trump says. “You can do anything.”

“Whatever you want,” says another voice, apparently Bush’s.

“Grab them by the p—y,” Trump says. “You can do anything.”

Hearing about the audio Trump said:

“This was locker room banter, a private conversation that took place many years ago. Bill Clinton has said far worse to me on the golf course – not even close. I apologize if anyone was offended.”

The readers on Hot Air are saying pretty much the same- this is how many men talk when they get together. But not Allahpundit. He’s clutching pearls because we can’t have a president that says such things.

Why not?

The president Allahpundit seems to want has a husband that did this to women that didn’t want him to do it… but that’s not a bombshell. It’s old news, doesn’t matter. Allah is not reminding readers of this, his readers are reminding him of it.

But, you see, Allah is hoping for a much different outcome than his readers.

Find the story somewhere else. I do not link to Hot Air.

54 Comments on Somebody Ought To Grab Allahpundit By the P$$$

  1. Like I said, I won’t link, but this dope says that Trump’s tax return thing WAS A BOMBSHELL.

    A guy doing nothing illegal is a bombshell?

    A guy doing exactly what the law is there for is a BOMBSHELL?/

    He’s always been an asswipe.
    He happened to be “there” when blogs first started.

    He’s a hack photoshopper, completely untalented, and is a pundit riding on his own legacy coattails, for far too long.

  2. There are three websites I stopped going to because of the nevertrump nuttiness. Sad because I used to like those sites. I thought they would give it up by the time Trump hit the ticket but they are STILL crying to mommy. Moonbattery, Blaze and therightscoop. Ahhhh well, because of them I spend more time here. 😀

  3. Trump is a man.
    He talks like one.
    Alfred Guinness used ‘such foul and horrible language’ when they tried to shut the water off to the Guinness factory during a drought that: ‘good Christian Men could not withstand it and fled’
    I bet that witch talks the same way about women

  4. Don’t worry, peeps, I will not let you down.
    If Trump loses, and by a slim margin, there are certain people that are going to wish I never learned photoshop.

    This won’t be “turning on my own people” because these are not my people.

  5. You can grab Allahpundit by the pussy if you touch him anywhere on his body. He’s pussy all over.

    I never understood why some people liked his columns. I thought he was a pansy from the get go.

  6. I was driving all afternoon and listening to a “so called” local conservative talk show host. He was shocked nobody calling in cares. Nobody cares. As one caller said though, this story probably ruined the so called “Policy” debate for Sunday.

  7. I love how Allah spells pussy like this in his title—> p***y.

    Uhhhhhh, I like the word pussy. It’s my favorite word for describing that region.
    I happen to hate the word vagina- and if any woman ever referred to it as such during sex it would be a “speedbump” for sure.

  8. Please make it so with the photoshop, BFH, even if Trump wins. My husband had a very foul and horrible suggestion. I’m still groaning. Something along the lines of Glenn Beck giving some happy-fun-time to Hillary. Yeap… I’m still sick.

  9. And most of the country thinks “So what? He sounds normal. Him, we can understand.” And right; nobody cares.

    I say refreshingly so, contrasted with the regular fare of deviant swill and defining-down that we’re supposed to elevate because the culture mandarins glamourize it.

    LGBTQXYZ are needing a safe space.

    Allahpundit is a bint who might have to do some real work of merit. Doubt he’ll pull through though.

  10. Stern says worse than this every day over the air.

    Can we talk about the billions Hillary lost at State, that she and Bill stole from Haiti and the three additional Hillary scandals we learned about today?

  11. Because of the way this country has been wrecked and picked over and is no longer prospering- I don’t care what Trump said to or about someone 10+ years ago. Joking or not. I just don’t fucking care. What I care about is fixing a mess the democrats left us with. Trump has not done anything criminal towards a woman, period. The Clintons on the other hand should be in jail serving 10 – 40 years. Trump is a loud mouth, the Clintons have had to pay off women after they took Bill to court. For personal reasons, not business. And speaking of business, how shaky is the Clinton Foundation right now?
    Do these motherfuckers like allahpundit not understand the difference here? Yes, they do. They’re just self serving RINO/Dem idiots.
    BTW, I was on Twitter years ago (During Andrew Breitbart era) and I could not stand Allahpundit, and neither could the bloggers I hung out with. I see he’s still an insufferable asshole.

  12. Notice the video was running with audio the entire time, as if they were going to use it later for some kind of promotion later? They were probably going to do something funny with it down the road and changed their minds. It’s just so Howard Stern show. And that guy is still on the air, right? LoL.

  13. Another woman saying so fucking what. Thanks MJA.
    Locker room talk, who gives a crap. I would be in serious shock if guy talk included the latest Woman’s Day recipes.

    DJT has raped 0 women while Bill’s rape count is still being totaled.
    Bill and Kill have and will continue to rape the nation.

  14. I hope it doesn’t happen, because I’m sick of it, but I’m sure the Kennedy brothers had a lot of fun joking about banging a beautiful star who died mysteriously. And LBJ discussing Negros, and on and on. I wish this fucking election was over. But let me tell you, if Donald Trump shot Pope Francis in front of 522 Fifth Avenue at noon tomorrow, I’d still vote for him over Killary

  15. Eugenia Certified Deplorable-
    The people who understand the difference between stupid shit said between guys and actions that physically hurt women will see this as nothing.
    Hillary Clinton is an accessory to rape. That’s something.

    80% of the wapo comment section is seeing it as a bullshit story, made to distract from the wikileaks email dump that just happened today.

  16. Trump isn’t a Pajama Boy.
    Women want to be with him and men want to be him.

    Shiny object! Shiny object! Never mind the haggard lying harpy in the pantsuit.

  17. I was told that Trump really needed to get the college-educated male vote to win. This is great for Trump. Total lock on the Frat Boy and Dorm Rat vote now. Old School.

  18. Lately, the dems throw shit on the wall and somehow the shit seems to land on their wall. How long before someone releases confidential tapes where Obama, Buffet, or Soros say the same thing about other men? Or Hillary says it about women?

  19. Any woman ever go on a hunting, fishing or skiing trip with all guys? I found the chatter funny. Even more funny when they thought I couldn’t hear. I wasn’t offended. It was funny to me because some things don’t change whether the guy is 13, 30 or 60.
    If the men only knew the stuff we spew at our little gab fests.

  20. Hiring this guy was one of Michelle Malkin’s glaring mistakes.
    (Her others include uncritically selling off Hot Air and Twitchy to GOPe conglomerate Townhall/Salem.)
    He’s evidently a Manhattan lawyer whose sensibilities are strongly inclined toward the moneyed, socially leftist establishment.
    He’s Hot Air’s main shit pickle, to invoke a classic BFH-ism..

  21. Another woman here saying so what. That’s all you got?

    For starters lots of men and woman speak this way in private. Second, this was in the TV/movie atmosphere where soaps are soft porn and the woman are all there based on their appearance. I personally don’t dress provocatively, if I did I might expect men to behave accordingly. Otherwise, it’s always flattering to be called beautiful by powerful successful men. Any woman claiming otherwise is lying.

  22. Eugenia C.D…..I can carve me some pumpkins. My sister invited me over to help some gals carve their pumpkins so they might win neighborhood awards. I’ve never been involved with a more foul mouthed bunch of unleashed hooligans then that group of angry divorcees who kinda don’t like men, except for the stiff part….It was eye opening….

  23. “If Trump loses, and by a slim margin, there are certain people that are going to wish I never learned photoshop.”

    I’m no blogger but in the interest of being PROACTIVE, the time is now. Right fing now as a matter of fact.

  24. BigFurHat.

    Did you know Allahpundit is an atheist? No. It’s true! He mentions it five thousand times a day.

    I used to go there long ago until I learned Allahpundit tucked his balls between his shaved legs.

  25. What really makes me laugh out loud about this whole ridiculous tempest in a teapot, is the fact that as a woman, I confess to having similar (crude) conversations with my lady friends, in regards to men.

    We ladies can compete in the colorful language department just fine, in case anyone’s interested.

  26. AA, I heard NorCal stay at home moms calling into the talk show that I referenced previously laughing their asses off. My worry is “The Big Ambush At Town Hall”. Sounds like a pretty cool western don’t it. Shit I’ve always been a Type A guy and have said shit like that, premarriage, that I never really meant. Locker room bull shit.

  27. Big Fuzzy, I believe the majority of conservative blogosphere is not conservative at all. They seem to be more PC than libs. Maybe they do things like jump on Trump for saying p*ssy to show the left they’re sooooo not sexist. Nor racist. Nor Islamophobic. Pick your flavor. But you can never win over the left. You can only capitulate. Hell with that!

    I’ll never forget that little punchable face Rich Lowry firing John Derbyshire from National Review (which sucks el grande uno) when Derbyshire wrote about “the talk” parents should have with their kids. The Talk is just plain good sense if you value the safety of your children. Why are these tools so wussed out that they throw their own under the bus??? Because they’re cowards.

    And, for the record, I have never gotten anything from Hotair except boredom.


  28. “I happen to hate the word vagina- and if any woman ever referred to it as such during sex it would be a “speedbump” for sure.”

    Hahaha. That reminds me of my idea to replace every racy word in the recording with the more “acceptable/correct” one.

    Pussy is replaced by vagina. “I did try to f*ck her” is replaced by, “I did try to bed her”. LOL.

    BTW – Oprah was ALWAYS taking about her own va-jay-jay. On air, all the time. Eww. And I can’t even listen to the music out there these days – and I ain’t a prude.

    No, Trump is a dudes dude. He hasn’t lived a scripted life in preparation for the White House. Oh, and he admitted -cheerfully- to getting turned down. He didn’t bash the woman for it, and he didn’t lie about the outcome.

  29. @willysgoatgruff
    One of my friends looks like an old-fashioned prim proper school marm. We can be crude and lewd. The DH says we only get together to talk dirty and laugh. Why not? It’s fun.

  30. “allahpundit” is going to wish he didn’t help get Hillary elected when she opens the door to the caliphate and they lop off his head for using that stupid ass name.

    The guy’s a traitor. Never liked any of his shit.

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