Somebody Pinch C. Steven Tucker – IOTW Report

Somebody Pinch C. Steven Tucker

First “Buzzfeed” publishes an accurate piece dispelling the ridiculous lies from the Left about the American Health Care Act and now the New York Slimes publishes a piece with the following words “The bill is on the right track”?!! Somebody PINCH me! – C. Steven Tucker

Of course, the cynic in me thinks, “if the NY Times says the AHCA bill is on the right track, it must be on the WORNG track!!”


8 Comments on Somebody Pinch C. Steven Tucker

  1. It’s a good story and there’s not a lot of “but”‘s in it. I noticed though that the author was a frequent contributor to Fox News. Maybe the Times is trying a pinch harder to be more fair. We’ll see, one story does not a sea change make.

  2. Make insurance illegal.

    It’s only a Progressive tool to control people’s lives.

    No insurance companies – no insurance ripoffs – prices for care would necessarily plummet in order for the established big pharma companies to remain alive.

    Consumers would be in control again.

    I really don’t need to worry anyway because none of this is gonna pass in the Senate anyway. You watch.

    ObamaCare will collapse on its own which is what Trump wanted politically in the 1st place, but he can still say the “he tried, but was opposed at every turn by congressional establishment types”. Trump wins the narrative and control.

    If it does pass, but is craptastic at best, Trump should mandate through Executive Order that every member of congress and all retirees from the past 50 years be forced to live under the law they promulgated. Again, Trump wins the narrative and control.

    Shit will then happen at warp speed in order to REPEAL.

    3d chess.

  3. “No insurance companies” @Tsunami means no private health insurance which means no funding mechanism for acute conditions and longer term illnesses, other than higher taxes to fund more government programs. Not a good idea.

  4. @tsunami – The problem with insurance companies is that they are govt regulated…regulated to the point of very little control over how they do business. How about we do away with all the regulation, state and feddle, and go back to recognizing insurance is a private matter between consenting adults, and let criminal laws against fraud and theft and extortion handle problem cases?

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