“Somebody” wrote a Yelp Review For Terrorist’s Family’s Business, And “Somebody” Got Censored – IOTW Report

“Somebody” wrote a Yelp Review For Terrorist’s Family’s Business, And “Somebody” Got Censored

I’ll let the writer of this review identify themselves if they choose to.




Story about the family biz HERE

It’s a fine family business, a litigious family, looking to sue the city for discrimination all the time.

23 Comments on “Somebody” wrote a Yelp Review For Terrorist’s Family’s Business, And “Somebody” Got Censored

  1. “Although rare, it is possible for a naturalized U.S. citizen to have his or her citizenship stripped through a process called “denaturalization.” Former citizens who are denaturalized are subject to removal (deportation) from the United States.”

    Well, maybe it shouldn’t be so rare anymore, President Trump.

    Grounds for denaturalization include:

    “Membership in Subversive Groups: Your citizenship may be revoked if the U.S. government can prove that you joined a subversive organization within five years of becoming a naturalized citizen. Membership in such organizations is considered a violation of the oath of U.S. allegiance. Examples include the Nazi Party and Al Qaeda.”


  2. Filthy infidels are welcome! Bring your whore sister to dinner on Tuesday for the Prophet’s Judgement Platter – Peace Be Upon Him! She’ll choke with joy!

    Did your child steal something? No problem! We’ll take care of his right hand when we cut the heads off our fresh halal sheep. With all the bleating you’ll never hear his cries!

    Prepare your virgins for marriage! Our skilled butchers will also provide safe, sanitary genital “modifications” for your young daughters and we’ll even mount the evil “pleasure button” on a wall plague to proudly display in your home!

  3. hey thanks BFH!

    I just added some helpful pics to the First American Chicken review to make the review process more enjoyable. Go click on the link in LeftCoastDan’s post.

    I’ve already got some “messages” from other Yelp reviewers who would beg to differ with my point of view. How do I feel about this? (see clip – 0:24 seconds) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cyWz4u1BEA

  4. @left coast Dan

    Do you suppose that Yelp took down politically motivated reviews of the Christians who refuse to bake gay wedding cakes or cater gay weddings? I actually don’t know the answer to my question but I bet my intuition is probably correct.

  5. I’m going to start a fast food restaurant w/ drive thru and call it:
    ROCK-IN-the-BOX. and everyone is required to at least once in they’re miserable existence to come and enjoy, for it is commanded by Big-Al. and your are required to dance around the box 7 times after your make your order before it will be delivered to you.

    All praise be to Big-Al

    and every weekend we have a Big-Al drawing contest for the kids

    you get the picture

    All praise be to Big-Al

  6. Ha! You made world news!!

    “The one-star Yelp reviews came from states across the US, including Texas and California. Some were crass or tasteless, others openly Islamophobic. “Spend your money on businesses that don’t hate America,” one advised. “I hope your son gets waterboarded,” read another. A reviewer from Louisiana described the Rahamis as “Filthy Mohammedan Savages.”


  7. Yesterday and today, my Yelp account be blowin’ up, yo.

    Right now, the congratulations are running 67% and the hate messages are running a paltry 33%.

    Since Yelp is just Facebook For Foodies and is infested with Libtards, that means either Trump is going to win in a beatdown bitchslapping of a landslide OR it means that Leftists are too disgustingly lazy to send me hate messages. I pick “C” BOTH

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