Someone In St. Paul Really Hates Dogs – IOTW Report

Someone In St. Paul Really Hates Dogs

Dog owners in the Frogtown neighborhood of St. Paul, MN are on alert to watch what their dogs get into when they’re in the yard. Someone has been baking rat poison into biscuits and putting them out for the animals to find.


I stepped in a dog pile this morning in the process of disposing of some old tires.  I wanted to beat the owners with a baseball bat, not the dogs.

18 Comments on Someone In St. Paul Really Hates Dogs

  1. On the dog shit in the yard. When I find it in my yard or in the parkway, I pick it up with a shovel.

    Since my dogs don’t shit in the front yard, it’s because someone walked their dog and let it shit in my yard without picking it up.

    I don’t put the shit in the garbage. I remove it from my grass and place it squarely on the sidewalk, I know the dog walker will be back.

  2. old_oaks, we are a bit rural out here so we don’t have sidewalks but tossing it in the road worked just as well. I only had to do that twice, problem solved for now.

  3. Maybe the guy was after rats, rather than dogs.
    First of all, bread is not a huge enticement to a dog, and secondly, that doesn’t look like poison, it looks like the stuff that swells up in the rats stomach and can’t be passed, killing them in a manner that vermin deserve.
    That kind of rodenticide does not harm larger animals as they can pass the stuff.
    I put peanut butter on the same stuff to get roof rats, they won’t touch it otherwise. I know dogs like peanut butter, but I also know that if they manage to get into it, it won’t harm them.

  4. Moslem, or burglar who plans on returning later without the dog barking. I’d set up and wait with some 12ga .00 buck. Dipped in pig fat in case it is a moslem.

  5. This has muslim written all over it.
    It is the same thing they are doing over in the middle east to the dogs there.
    They wipe their asses with their left hand, but they think that dogs are unclean.
    With the pisslamist numbers growing in this state, you can be sure more and more stuff like this will continue to happen.

  6. Unless it is a small dog a little rat poison wont kill a healthy mid sized dog. It’s basically a blood thinner much like the stuff they give people who have cholesterol issues.
    But it is still a shitty thing to do.

  7. John S,
    I don’t know about YOUR dog, but my dog would eat an entire loaf of bread if I were foolish enough to leave it within his reach. He would eat anything and everything I eat if I let him.

  8. There are plenty of heartless non-muslims to go around.

    I had a dog poisoned in my own backyard by a guy that threatened to when he got out once.

    We think it was something like anti-freeze because it shut his kidneys down. Hardest damn thing I ever went through with a pet.

    If it was rat poison the Vet could have saved him.

    Most rat poisons now days can be reversed by shots of Vitamin K and making them throw up to expel whatever they can. But you have to act quickly and know the pet needs to go to the Vet.

    That is why I only use a particular product – Vets around here wish all rat baits were anti-coagulants for this reason.

  9. JohnS, there is so much fail in your post I don’t know where to start.

    You’re in my wheelhouse now.

    No dog is immune from any rat bait it eats directly. Whatever you have based this conclusion on, is wrong. But non-professionals do make this mistake all the time, so you’re not alone.

    Also, professional rat baits now days will not have a second-kill quality about them. In other words, a poisoned rat will not kill any animal that eats it. Only non-pros would come up with, and use, something that could.

    So many people make their own un-scientific conclusions about pests it isn’t funny. You happened to be one of those right now. Either learn or carry on spreading mis-information. The choice is yours. You’re doing no one a service by thinking you know what you’re talking about on this subject.

    BTW. Your false/mis-diagnosed problem you presented last time we talked pests revealed your propensity for B.S. – you concocted an outrageous scenario based on what I posted earlier as variants that would hamper successful treatment. Then you dropped the subject like a hot potato.

    No one drops a super duper pest prob like you described that day. An honest person would have pursued the info until a solution was arrived at.

    Stop posting your poorly informed ideas of what’s going on about pests and you’ll avoid being exposed as a fraud on the subject.

    You have no idea of the breadth and depth of knowledge, on this subject, I possess.

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