Someone needs to tell Obama the truth – IOTW Report

Someone needs to tell Obama the truth

Obama was an affirmative action president. This is not to say that there aren’t qualified black men and women that can run this country. It’s just that Obama wasn’t one of them. Obama benefitted from timing.

He was elected because a large portion of the white American public thought they’d be good people if they elected someone black. They yearned to be woke. Being woke was that year’s avocado toast.

The incompetent Obama’s message to the nation was that we weren’t particularly exceptional, and that it would take a magic wand to achieve any substantive GDP growth. Manufacturing jobs were never coming back, get used to it. Obama had commandeered the controls, and his destination was mediocrity. It was payback for our downright mean colonialism. He’d fix our wagon.

When Obama was passing the mantle to a man who had the classic vision of American greatness, he had the audacity to say that this was a stain upon his “great legacy.” If an historian can find greatness in Obama’s 8 years he is more of a talented fiction writer than a documentarian.

Trump’s economy, jobs report, consumer confidence levels and stock market are through the roof, and Obama sees Hillary’s loss as a personal insult. He’s not happy for America under Trump.




19 Comments on Someone needs to tell Obama the truth

  1. Mester Obomo:

    Yer greatest legacy was being a homo.
    And having a wife more man than you!

    We never liked you but thought you were articulate for a light skinned negro.

  2. Dear Barry:

    Wishing your treasonous ass a slow, painful death, followed by eternty in hell. Also wishing you the most painful humiliation and destruction of your slimey name at the hands of Barr and Trump.

  3. TP MAY 3, 2019 AT 2:39 PM
    “President Trump should whip out a magic wand and wave it around at his rallies.”

    …just WAIT ’till you see what “Michelle” Obama whips out and waves around at “HERS”…

  4. Anonymous MAY 3, 2019 AT 2:05 PM
    “Dear Barry:

    Wishing your treasonous ass a slow, painful death, followed by eternty in hell. Also wishing you the most painful humiliation and destruction of your slimey name at the hands of Barr and Trump.”

    …just give him to the Iranians that he did so much for, so they can pay him his traitor’s wages in person. After all, I’m sure that Shi’ites like them will LOVE to welcome Sunni Obama into the fold for reals, maybe even they’d broadcast it for us…

  5. I NEVER had a problem finding a killer job until that asshole showed up. Eight years of of slimmer than slim nosepickens. But God toughened me during those years for what I’m experiencing now. Some of you know what I’m talking about. 🙃

  6. Obama is indicative of a LAZY electorate……one that does not take the time to search out the truth, who wants a quick fix, free lunch, and feel good altruism. They got a gay, half-breed who had a slut for a mother, a deadbeat father, a communist for a teacher, and a liar in the mirror. He was the worst prez the country ever had!

  7. I was living on Chicago’s North Shore when Obama first ran for Senate, and I noticed a peculiar thing: in the city, there were lots of Obama yard signs of the usual kind, the name in big letters and some geometrics. But in the lily white North Shore, packed with Lakefront Liberals, the signs had his name and picture. It couldn’t have been more clear: signal your virtue by voting for the black man.


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