What in Crisco is he talking about?
32 Comments on Someone please wrap a warm bathrobe around Joe and escort him to assisted living
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What in Crisco is he talking about?
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joe knows, with a ‘D’ after his name he is not required to make sense
He should borrow Hillary’s medic.
No Malarkey.
How the heck do you parody this guy?
I remember a few years ago there was a hilarious “bad lip reading “ clip of him, but danged if this isn’t even more ridiculous.
“I love kids jumping on my lap”
The diabolical bastard is faking diminished capacity to dodge the charges coming.
I have to admit that was a polished performance, not a jury in the world would commit him.
“Oh, the commercials we will make” – Every GOP ad agent.
I’m just glad that he still has Hunter to look after him in his golden years.
Correct Gin Blossom,
Gommorah Joe is as ‘dumb’ as Bruce Jenner is female.
(has Bruce had his twig/berries snipped off? QED)
Just set him in a room with a Smell my hair Barbie playset and he’ll be fine.
I’ve had more coherent convo’s w 6 mos old babies.
Oh yeah, and the lefty progs were worried about Trump getting his hands on the “button”. This asshole is actually scary.
@gin blossom
AND…Creepy Joe is only running to avoid being incriminated when the Burisma debacle is revealed. “Trump can’t charge me ’cause I’m running against him for President!”
Too bad Ted Kennedy’s gone – he could stand beside him and translate through sign language.
Way to go Pervy Joe.
If there were doubt in anyone’s mind, you have cleared that up today. And, btw, Pervy Joe prefers when hairy roaches and black children jump into his “lap”. Are we sure that was his leg they were rubbing in the pool?
Who needs bad lipreading when Joe’s in town.
DECEMBER 1, 2019 AT 10:48 AM
‘“Oh, the commercials we will make” – Every GOP ad agent’
…the GOP-E is probably quite UNhappy with this, the Dems are making it REALLY HARD to throw THIS election…
He’s getting as bad as barry, I can’t stand to listen to either one and mute the sound whenever I have to listen to him speak. He makes retards everywhere look smart by comparison. Maybe his running mate should be Mortimer Snerd.
Just remember kids, for 8 years Joe was one step away from the briefcase with the nuke codes.
He was just as much an idiot then as he appears to be today.
Dr. Kevorkian, if we’re lucky!
Here’s an idea–Someone build an assisted living place that looks like the White House. Rose garden, fountains,porticos, etc. Send Creepy Joe, Hitlery, and all the wannabes there. Win-win!
Isn’t this from the Corn Pop lecture? Why is this just now making the rounds after Hunter’s Pop Secret?
Biden is so arrogant and so jaded, he uses not making sense to distract from his stealing.
Obama knew everything, from Clinton stealing, to biden stealing, etc. He is in on the plot.
“How the heck do you parody this guy?”
With Politizoid. Guarantee it will be worth it.
“I love kids jumping on my lap” Then gazes longingly at the children he’s with, imagining it at that moment. Check it out. Not exaggerating.
I bet you do, Joe. I bet you really like it a lot. Maybe a little too much.
“I’m an old man, I’m confused.” defense
Where’s Ann Richards’s stand-in to announce, “Poor Joe. Put a fork in him… He’s done”?
[really long past done ]
I’ve said this about Hillary, Nancy and Maxine, so I’ll say it one more time for Poor Joe: Is there ANY ONE who loves Joe enough to put him into a home to enjoy the rest of his life being taken care of? Instead, they try to force him beyond his mental capabilities just to live off him for money or power. Love shouldn’t be so selfish.
The video is a fake. What makes it so funny is that it’s actually close enough to reality it’s conceivable he’d say that stuff.
Creepy at the highest level.
He also bit his wife’s finger at another event. His handlers are not going to be able to get him over the finish line.
Cobra! Cobra!
I mean, it’s simply a four-letter word:
Joe! Joe! Joe!