Someone Put A Lot of Work Into This CNN/Trump Meme – IOTW Report

Someone Put A Lot of Work Into This CNN/Trump Meme

ht/ Muddjuice

33 Comments on Someone Put A Lot of Work Into This CNN/Trump Meme

  1. You know it’s good when you watch in more than once. I’m sure Mel doesn’t have a problem with this.

    I the a Gladiator version should be next, but I am totally under talented.

  2. So, my five year old boy caught me watching this and insisted on watching it too. Endlessly. Then a few minutes later as I’m tuckig him into bed, he says, “Knock-knock?”
    Me- Who’s there?
    “Go home to mommy!”
    Me- laughing
    “You’re supposed to say, ‘Go home to mommy who?'”
    Me- Go home to mommy who?
    “Go home to mommy! Go home to mommy! Good bye!”

    (This is the kid who wouldn’t leave Gymboree without a red tie. He loves Donald J Trump!)

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