Something Doesn’t Smell Right Here – IOTW Report

Something Doesn’t Smell Right Here

A person buys a new home in Simi Valley, CA for $430,000.  Moving into the house the person checks a bedroom only and finds the body of 84-year-old Salvatore Orefice there to greet the new owner.

Authorities knew to call 75-year-old Mary Karacas who apparently had “a relationship” with Orefice.  They got into an altercation and …




14 Comments on Something Doesn’t Smell Right Here

  1. Sounds like Orefice got hisself a new orifice.
    And the owner got hisself a new song,
    “Iiiiiiii ain’t got no-bodyyyy. .. ”
    (admit it. you know you heard Marty Feldman there, didn’t you?)

  2. On a side note, he probably pronounced it Oar -a – Fee-Chee….

    Had a Friend up North, that married a Guy who’s last name was “Cockburn” and that’s How He pronounced it…She told everyone it was pronounced “Co-burn” kind of like that asshole colbert…I forgot where I was going with this…

  3. Anastasia Avenue, where this happened, is right down the street from my old elementary school. That was all orange groves when we lived out there. Used to be a very low-crime area and a nice place to live. We had a nice old house in the Knolls that I always wished we had never moved away from.

  4. The old broad put the lyin’ dog down.
    The old coot kept taking that damn Viagra stuff and waking her up so she shot him.
    She’s so old the sentence will be 90 days or life – whichever comes first.

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