Something Remarkable Happened Inside Trump Tower Today – IOTW Report

Something Remarkable Happened Inside Trump Tower Today

ht/ bad brad

42 Comments on Something Remarkable Happened Inside Trump Tower Today

  1. Awesome!!!
    And Ray Lewis has buffer arms than Michelle 0bama so don’t let Vanity Fair tell you any different!

    Btw… AA had it in the Bullpen as well, but I didn’t get to it in time to post it here.

  2. Funny how easy it seems for the Racist, clan loving, billionaire to reach out to so many different people that the best Obama could ever do was hand out worthless metals and mouth meaningless platitudes of recognition.

    This is going to be a working President like we haven’t seen in our lifetimes.

  3. Since Johnson’s Great Society, $22 trillion dollars has been used by the democrat party to buy the votes of black Americans.
    What, outside of a fervent democrat voting block do we have?
    I have no problem giving a hand up, but the “hand outs” and corruption must stop.

  4. MJA — thanks! I am thrilled that we may be looking at the failure of Johnson’s Great Society in the rear view mirror. If anyone can be blunt without really offending, it will be Trump. He has generated great loyalty among sincere, authentic black leaders. Notice that Jackson, Sharpton and the other race hustlers aren’t ascending the Golden Elevator? lol! I’m betting Brown and others are glad to out from under that crowd.

  5. Reporter 1: Mr. Brown, does it bother you that the President Elect hates black people?

    Reporter 2: Mr. Lewis, does it bother that Trump is a Nazi?

    Reporter 3: Mr. Brown, does it bother you that Mr. Trump is not a nice person?

  6. Didn’t hear him introduced but the guy on the right is Rev. Darrell Scott from Cleveland Hts, OH. He has known Trump and been friends for many years. He said the one thing Trump has consistently asked him for over the years is Prayers.

    It’s time to end the Lyndon Nimrod Fountainpen Johnson dependent plantation.
    There will be weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth among the overlord Demorats.

  7. AA, I don’t think the CNN newsreader was ready for Jim Brown. One thing, I’ve listened to that 4 times now and I can’t make out who the third person is that helped him. Anyone know?

  8. I’m proud of the lady and gentlemen speaking in the interview and answering the questions. No matter how much the so called journalist tried to sway the opinions of race it was kicked right back in her face.
    “We are not here to talk about that!” BOOM!!!!

  9. I like when the reporter asked about Minority or female appointments and he jumped on her with NO. We are not talking bout that! We’re here for….then proceeded etc.
    He cut her off. Ha.

    annie Go Trump

  10. Well, this is all good and well and everybody is holding hands and possibly gonna sing songs of unity and partnership, but what about Jim Brown’s history with the muslim brotherhood?….what about Ray Lewis and possibly killing a guy?…..

  11. Willy. I hear you, but let’s go with Trump and his judgement.
    It certainly beats LBJ saying “we’ll have these niggars voting democrat for the next 200 years,” when he reluctantly signed the 1965 Civil Right Bill.
    Jim Brown put that ignorant bitch down, but good!

  12. Bad_Brad ”
    Isn’t this all that “Hopey Changey” shit the mooslem promised? And DJT hasn’t even taken office yet.”

    Has only been 35 days since 8 Nov. 5 weeks 🙂 Not even Christmas yet

  13. Thanks to ohbomba and booosh, we now have a non-politician with an America first platform. Finally. Like Dr. Tar says, “never in our lifetimes”

    Dont you love it when a plan comes together?

  14. OK Moe Tom and Brad, I’ll lighten up and let Jim Brown and Ray Lewis into the house, but they are going to wanna rearrange the furniture and fcuk up the ambience…..

  15. Career politicians always promise the rhetorical “seat at the table” & never deliver.
    President Trump has already sat several of these groups down to a real seat, at a real table.
    That’s not something that will go unnoticed or can be undone/unseen.
    it’s gonna leave a mark for sure …

  16. Trump’s use of the alt-media and the connection with unlikely allies will assure that those who oppose him will continue to look more and more foolish. Trump’s brain and the Hand of God are working together.

  17. @ Ted Nougat — Just a few more weeks of Trump’s canny decisions and actions and it will become glaringly, painfully obvious as to who is creating strife and division — and it ain’t Trump. What’s the phrase? Actions talk, bullsh*t walks.

  18. Imagine how intimidated and oppressed decent conservatives like Jim Brown have been for eight years.
    The first black marxist U.S. president would have had the IRS hounding Mr. Brown with the threat of jail for speaking out about the neglect of urban areas.
    How ironic for the left, a white billionaire will be working to repair the damage in black communities caused by democrats.
    It’s amazing. Mr. Trump is not even sworn in and the whole world breathes a sigh of relief and dismisses Obama as a nightmare that’s finally over.

  19. @Ted Nougat ~ “The reporter’s questions are a perfect example of the Alt-Left’s Dogwhistle call to view everything in terms of Race and Divison.

    I love the way these gentlemen refused to take the bait. Very classy.

  20. Yet another race-baiting bitch employed by CNN. Good for Jim Brown and Ray Lewis for standing up to these media whores. I’ll bet her little panties must have been bunched up after that bit of schooling.

  21. Jim Brown, Ray Lewis, Kanye Whatshisname….
    He may be sincere, but I think Trump also has an ingenious strategy in this. He’s demonstrating to blacks that he is really looking out for them by going to leaders in their communities that actually care, while pushing Sharpton and Jackson to the curb.

  22. Meanwhile Obama, who was elected by a lot of white voters, today continues to whine about, and claim America is racist, and how the legacy of slavery lives on. That legacy would be long gone if the leftist didn’t keep digging up the corpse and reanimating it back to life. Reminding it how it was mistreated. Forget Frankenstein’s monster. Obama’s Race-card Monster is real.

    Booker T Washington had their number a hundred years ago when he said, “There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs — partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.”

  23. I don’t know about the rest of you, but that video was very inspiring to me. Trump doesn’t just want to fix the economy. He is far more ambitious than that. In every way, he wants to Make America Great Again.

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