Something’s A Little Off About Ray Liotta – IOTW Report

Something’s A Little Off About Ray Liotta

The good folks at Zebra Corner put their sights on Chantix’s celebrity endorser, Ray Liotta, and struck comedy gold.
Language Warning -Watch

13 Comments on Something’s A Little Off About Ray Liotta

  1. This cracks me up because my husband and I always stop what we’re doing to watch this commercial cuz he’s so weird looking. Neither one of us are into movies enough to know who he is but find his stretched, shiny face and guyliner so odd; we just are mesmerized by him for some stupid reason. Can’t wait to share this vid with hubby 😂

  2. Two other Chantix commercials were filmed in my little town (DeLand, FL): the one with a couple who go into Forno Bello Italian restaurant (just 2 blocks from the police department where I used to work), and the one with the guy and his dog at the dog park here.


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