Sometimes the Most Obvious Memes Are All You Need – IOTW Report

Sometimes the Most Obvious Memes Are All You Need

Pillow biter is upset —>

13 Comments on Sometimes the Most Obvious Memes Are All You Need

  1. So the ever stupid Mike Simpleton wasn’t bothered when pedo Joe called the construction worker a “dumb son of a bitch”, or did the same to the Naval Academy graduates. That was just Joe being Joe, right?

  2. Lemme see. Tell me again what John Kerry said about George Bush’s intelligence? Oh, that’s right. Then it turned out that Bush got better grades than Kerry while studying for a more challenging degree.

  3. Hey Mikey, you lying little f@ggot, just when you think Joe cant go any lower…

    He once accused the truck driver who tipped his cab over in an attempt to avoid hitting his first wife’s vehicle and thereby saved the lives of 2 of his children … he accused that man of DWI

    In essence, he accused that driver of 2nd degree murder

    So, did Trump go THAT low?

  4. No No. Mike Sington, “Senior Executive NBCUniversal, retired”. Mother fucker looks pretty young to be retired. HE GOT FIRED. “Entertainment, Pop Culture, and Life Style Expert”. LMFAO. Oh, OK loser. “Ultimate Insider”. He’s struggling come up with a resume.
    This former big wig Hollywood exec is now living in his moms basement being paid by the DNC to be clever. He’s not very good at it. Case in point and hilarious.

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