Sometimes You Just Have To Show Decadence To Remind People Why the Left Needs To Be Eradicated – IOTW Report

Sometimes You Just Have To Show Decadence To Remind People Why the Left Needs To Be Eradicated

Moonbattery –

Those who have extremely strong stomachs, are not at work, and do not have children nearby are invited to see for themselves what the triumph of liberalism has bestowed upon the streets of San Francisco in Zombie’s photo essay on this summer’s Up Your Alley Fair:

Click through Moonbattery to get to Zombie’s post.

It will remind you why the left needs to be napalmed.

ht/ Just the tip


18 Comments on Sometimes You Just Have To Show Decadence To Remind People Why the Left Needs To Be Eradicated

  1. Unfortunately I opted to go for the whole Up Your Alley photo spread (if you’ll pardon the expression). Why oh why did anyone think it was a good idea to find a “cure” for AIDS. AIDS was doing just fine what it was meant to do.
    I haven’t been this disgusted since seeing Robert Nimmo give himself a blowjob in his bunk in the barracks at NAS North Island in 1967. (Some things you just never forget)

  2. It’s no wonder I haven’t been back to San Franfreako since the early 70’s. It was strange then and looks even worse now. I hitchhiked from Portland to SF in Aug. 1972 when I was 19, 43 years ago. That was a very strange trip for my best friend and I that included a stay in Peoples Park in Beserkley during a garbage strike and attending a free concert with Country Joe and The Fish (singing the fish cheer, gimme an F…), Asleep At The Wheel and Jesse Colin Young, watching Easy Rider at a theatre while there. On the way home in Brookings Or. we almost ran into a bunch of local rednecks who wanted to invite us to a haircutting party if we didn’t get out of town before dark, we did. Our hair was sort of long then. And a crazy Vietnam vet who wanted to kill the guy who we all got a ride from. We bailed out at a gas station and caught another ride later. My kids don’t believe these stories but they’re true. 3 weeks later I was in the Navy and my best friend joined the Navy the next year in the spring of 1973 retiring as a CPO a few years ago. One other time at the SF airport I ended up buying a book from one of the Hari Krishna’s because he was such a pest and wouldn’t leave me the hell alone. It’s a strange place and they can keep it. I’m not going back ever again. San Diego (the last time I was in San Diego in Aug. 1996 I was rescuing at an abortion clinic in La Mesa along with Operation Rescue and almost got arrested) maybe but SF never again.

  3. How strange … I too hitchhiked to SF in 1972, when I was 16, from L.A., with about $1. 85 in my pocket. I went through Berkley and stopped at People’s Park where I was going to try to sleep but got the hell out of town before sundown because of all the freaks.
    I also saw Country Joe and the Fish and Easy Rider that year.

    Makes me wonder if we might have crossed paths at some time.

  4. Holyyyy shit.. send me to prison, make me walk on slippery river rocks, shine the top stair, scare me in the shower, give me a parachute that doesn’t open, take all my money and stab me in the back.. just, please, don’t send me to SF.

  5. Definitely a summon the meteors destination. I remember years ago the then Mayor of San Francisco, Diane Feinstein, running for the U.S. Senate and queers pranced about her. At that moment I lost any respect I would ever have for her. Any parent should leave that shithole with their children or have them taken away.

  6. It’s no fun anymore is it lost boys? Miss the danger of the forbidden now that your just boring buttfuckers with mortgages and marriage licenses?

    I bet gay men consume three quarters of the earth’s production of viagra. And they still need…leather dogface masks?

  7. My grandparents lived in sf from the 40’s to the early 60’s. He always wore a hat, suit and tie. She only wore dresses. Never slacks. It was an elegant town with beautiful architecture and stores.

    The last time I was there was late 70’s. I remember walking with friends and a group of men strolled by in black leather chaps. With nothing on underneath.

    I have never been back.

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