Son, 27, ‘wants to sue his parents because he didn’t CONSENT to being born’ – IOTW Report

Son, 27, ‘wants to sue his parents because he didn’t CONSENT to being born’

What’s with the fake beard?


Raphael Samuel, from Mumbai, India, is reportedly part of a so-called ‘child-free’ advocate who believes children shouldn’t be made to suffer life.

He has been described as an ‘anti-natalist’ who thinks parents don’t have the right to give birth if a child has not agreed to being born.

And he is planning on taking legal action against his own parents for giving birth to him without his permission, Times Now News reports.

Remarkably, he claims he has a “great relationship” with the pair.

“I want to tell all Indian kids that they don’t owe their parents anything,” he told The Print.


ht/ fdr in hell

30 Comments on Son, 27, ‘wants to sue his parents because he didn’t CONSENT to being born’

  1. Hand him five bucks. That should be enough to rent a good stout rope for an hour. He will only need it for under ten minutes, but I’m sure there is a minimum charge.

  2. “I want to tell all Indian kids that they don’t owe their parents anything,”
    LOL! That works both ways. They could have given birth to him and left him in a stack of dirty laundry by the Ganges.

  3. Look, kid, you have a problem* with your argument. All parties to a contract or legal agreement have to, y’know, actually exist. Imaginary or theoretical signatories simply can’t be players, here. Time’s arrow being irreversible and all (at least in non-quantum regimes), your demand to be consulted and to agree to your existence in advance of your existence is a logical stupidity impossibility.

    * You have more than one, but this one’s the biggie.

  4. This abortion thing certainly is going full circle.
    Did this kid go to college to get this stupid? I would be wanting my money back if I was his parents.
    Stop feeding collages now. Most of what you need is on line for free.

  5. Dude needs 2 shots of Peak Antifreeze, (tell him it Lime Jello, like he’ll know better). If it does not take the first time just add a flush and fill. Stuff really works,

  6. He should have reincarnated into a cow. As if. Obviously the little arrogant cur hasn’t reached nirvana – he keeps coming back human. Heathen mysticism – makes him thiink he’s in control of his own existence, without God. LOL!

  7. He says he has a great relationship with his parents? I say bullshit. We’ll find out at their death what their Will says. I know what I would say to him in my Will – 2 words – Fuck Off!

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