Son Writes Viral Obit For His Trailer Park Dad – IOTW Report

Son Writes Viral Obit For His Trailer Park Dad


ht/ js

26 Comments on Son Writes Viral Obit For His Trailer Park Dad

  1. At least it’s honest and written by someone who really knew the person.
    I’ve sat through obit writings and eulogies that have left me wondering, “Did you ever even meet this person?”

  2. Would that be piston or pissed on since the guy is an obvious redneck? From the words the son wrote about his ne’er do well dad the obituary definitely sounds like he pissed on his dad’s reputation or lack thereof. here lies James Loveless, no love, no less.

  3. Sounds like a man who lived his life his way.
    (Busch? Really? Reads more like a “Billy” beer guy – course Busch sucks, too)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. MissInMi
    AT 8:17 AM
    “At least itโ€™s honest and written by someone who really knew the person.”

    …it’s definitely better than “Blah blah blah was X years old, leaving Whosies as survivors”. Real people are not plaster saints and this at least celebrates his ACTUAL life.

    As to respectful or not, funerals are for the living, not the dead, so the dead guy doesn’t care. They also don’t have to make ME happy, I never knew him and never will. As long as his kith and kin are good with it, say whatever you want to say, you knew him better than I.

    Not sure what it is about that type though with the ladies. My freind that had women physically fighting over him at his funeral was a briar hopper, and while he didn’t live in a trailer the rest kind of applied, including the stroke, and chicks LOVED him. I once saw him have a woman hit on him in the checkout line of a Krogers when we were buying stuff for his BBQ to take back to his current wife, and it was COMPLETELY unprovoked, she heard him say something from BEHIND me and instantly wanted to have his illegitimate children. IDK, I’m not a chick so I can’t say, must have something to do with the kuntry accent. He damn near brought a date back to the barbeque with him and but for his wife being there perhaps he would have.

    The friends house we were going back to was another transplanted good ‘ol boy I worked with who was on Wife 4. His exploits through the staff of the (only employing legal adults) plant were legendary until he knocked one up and had to discuss with the future grandparents of hid child, both of whom were younger than he was. Exeuent wife #4, then he quit and I don’t know what came of him after that.

    Speaking of downhome charm, my FIL was a Tennessee truck driver who claimed to have played cards with Jimmy Hoffa, later maintenance man and multiple divorcee who literally DID live in a trailer with his current GF when his heart packed it in, which made not just the funeral awkward with all the wives and such but also getting her out of the trailer so we could sell it. She was a nice enough lady but I didn’t really have a use for another man’s side piece, the one wife I have was plenty enough, and my FIL was HER side piece as we heard from many stories of fights and such, so she actually had somewhere else to go even if it wasn’t in the trailer she was used to. She had a real job as a nurse and we had reason to think something stemming from that may have contributed to his death, but the autopsy report centered on other aspects of hillbilly hard living, so maybe not. In any case we couldn’t take on a daughter that was older than us especially since we weren’t staying anyway, so it was what it was.

    His brothers did his eulogy, so it wasn’t quite as frank as this one, but they were honest about the man even so. Maybe another hiljack trait. Both of them were a couple of wives deep too, so maybe it ran in the family.

    But all a man can do is live his life and do the best he can for his family. That’s his REAL eulogy, his legacy, his final speech to the world. “Moderately” missed is better than anything I can expect, so good for him that he got that as his epithet.

    God bless his family for having a sense of humor. After all, God must have one or He wouldn’t have made us in the first place.

    And God bless all those ladies. They must have a sense of humor too or they wouldn’t take up with such rapscallions in the first place.

  5. Hunter
    AT 9:37 AM
    @ Tony R AT 9:29 AM
    “I want to see photos of the girlfriends.

    No you donโ€™t.”

    …strictly extrapolating from my above-mentioned experiences, if his were similar I can truthfully say “ehhhh, maybe?”. No, these gals typically weren’t idealized beauty queens but they were generally visually OK to good. Some with higher milage than the other, but none without visible charms. But to each his own, he’s no Donald Trump so he can’t expect a Melania anyway, but if two people can make each other happy it isn’t necessary that either could win a “Hotness” contest, those types tend to be more trouble anyway unless you’re into bar fights…

  6. I read it yesterday and thought that it was probably all true, and that they all have a sense of humor about the guy. There was one posted at IOTW last year, and it was scathing about the person who died. Wow, what a legacy to leave readers with about you and what your relatives thought of you. Obituaries are paid for by the family and they can be $$$$.

  7. I can almost see his spirit floating above the obituary’s author as the obit was being written, screaming, “G-dammit, don’t forget the time I……”.
    I’d say both of his sons loved the man more than we could imagine and I wish I could have had a beer with him because I know the laughs would have been plenty and frequent.
    RIP my man!

  8. Being the skeptic that I am when it comes to all things internet, I went to the funeral home website directly to see the obit.

    Itโ€™s a real obit and the Guestbook makes it worth the trip.

  9. From Wikipedia

    As is typical of the Unionist bloc of south-central Kentucky comprising the eastern Pennyroyal Plateau and the western part of the Eastern Coalfield, Pulaski County has been deep red Republican ever since the Civil War. The solitary Democrat to carry Pulaski County since that time has been Woodrow Wilson in 1912 โ€” and Wilson did so only when the Republican Party was deadlocked between the conservative incumbent Taft and the progressive Theodore Rooseveltโ€” Wilson took just 34.68 percent of the county’s vote and won Pulaski only by 195 votes over Roosevelt and 249 over Taft.[13]

    Seems like an upstanding citizen of his community.


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