Sonoma County Officials Who Back Sanctuary Cities Have Blood on Their Hands – IOTW Report

Sonoma County Officials Who Back Sanctuary Cities Have Blood on Their Hands

Sonoma County Smartasses gave ICE 16 minutes notice before releasing an illegal that they wanted detained.

The guy promptly went to his girlfriend and murdered her.

This blood is squarely on these officials.

PUNK- Rob Giordano


About two weeks before killing his girlfriend, Veronica Cabrera Ramirez, who was the mother of two girls, Santa Rosa police arrested Estrada-Margos for domestic battery after he allegedly beat Ramirez.

After he was booked for battery, ICE asked the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Department to notify them of his release, according to KTVU TV.

Sonoma County Sheriff Rob Giordano said his department had alerted ICE they were releasing Estrada-Margos.

 “We did notify ICE of his release date and time. Sometimes they pick up, sometimes they don’t,” said Giordano.

ICE released a statement that the sheriff’s department only notified ICE 16 minutes before releasing him and that wasn’t enough time for the federal officials to pick Estrada-Margos up.

According to The Daily Caller, ICE would have needed to travel over 60 miles and it would have taken 90 minutes for ICE officers to travel to Sonoma County.

 James Schwab, ICE’s spokesman in San Francisco, gave a detailed account of the time schedule to The Daily Caller.

“Immigration detainers serve as a legally authorized request, upon which a law enforcement agency may rely, to continue to maintain custody of an alien for up to 48 hours so that ICE may assume custody for removal purposes,” Schwab told the Daily Caller.

Schwab told The Daily Caller that the “vast majority” of notifications that ICE receives from Sonoma County in the past six months “have failed to provide sufficient advance notification to pick up these criminals.”


ht/ conservative cowgirl

14 Comments on Sonoma County Officials Who Back Sanctuary Cities Have Blood on Their Hands

  1. An obvious and criminal act that will be defended by the entire government of California. I want to give Sessions the benefit of doubt, but he should be aware how bad this looks to the public and have at least one very public prosicution of these scofflaws.

  2. There is probably no legal recourse against them. If that young lady was someone in my life there would be hell to pay for somebody.. I wonder when law abiding citizens will get so pissed off that they start taking matters in their own hands.

  3. Sessions ought to open an investigation into this Sheriff, his department and possibly the Sonoma Mayor and Council. It sounds like the victims civil rights may have been violated by the Sheriffs reckless behaviour and unoffical policy and that the city council may have been complicit. At the very minimum it would scare the crap out of them knowing that they may be sharing a cellblock with some of the criminals they released.

  4. @Vietvet August 27, 2017 at 11:52 am

    > All Sonoma County Sheriff Department employees involved in this should be charged with premeditated manslaughter.

    Government soldiers and civilian deaths. The straight time isn’t enough? You want an added paid vacay bonus?

  5. The dead girlfriend was probably illegal… two birds with one stone. Maybe we should make that offer to illegals, go kill another illegal then we’ll deport you…. then we would only have to deport half the illegals LOL

  6. Joe6pak is right. When the government fails in its most basic duty of establishing law and order vigilantism and reprisals against them will occur.

    If the victim’s family member is put on trial I will exercise my right to jury nullification and acquit.

  7. They openly mock the laws they are sworn to uphold. When will our paid government officials show these oh so clever politicians in law enforcement there is a price to be paid?

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