Soon – IOTW Report


29 Comments on Soon

  1. @ Uncle Al, we’re mind melding again. I can also see Hillary as the shape-shifting murderous Salt Vampire. A definite resemblance.

    @Fur, that’s a brilliant Meme. It deserves to go viral.

  2. search ‘pedovore’ and ‘adrenochrome’.

    the common denominator of these sick monsters is something very few will talk about. child sex trafficking and
    satanic ritual abuse is very common in d.c. it is happening on both sides of the aisle. that is why they all hate DJT. he knows all about it and he has watched numerous tapes.

    these sick fucks slowly and ritualistically murder the children and consume their remains. think i am kidding? i’m not.

    if you can stomach it watch this:

  3. hopefully, it’s sitting on a cushion made from the dead, rotten corpse of John McShitStain … to remind it, it’s next

    (really burns me that these crap weasels get the finest health-care in the world, that our money can buy & they rob our health-care, deny service & euthanize our youth & old people … pure evil as bad as any Commie or Nazi)


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