Soon London Will Be Blanketed With Cabs Covered in Quotes By Muhammad – IOTW Report

Soon London Will Be Blanketed With Cabs Covered in Quotes By Muhammad

They’re not the white-washed quotes. These are the quotes from the second part of the Koran which are violent and supersedes all text that comes before it.

The campaign is the brainchild of Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer of AFDI.

I designed the ads, with a guiding hand, as always, by Miss Pamela.

Read about it here.

21 Comments on Soon London Will Be Blanketed With Cabs Covered in Quotes By Muhammad

  1. Sure hope this ends up changing some of those frozen political hearts over there. Sharia law is a very dangerous thing for a government to submit to.

    I’m trying to sell a drafting table right now, and when I do that I will send whatever I get to Pamela and AFDI. (Medical bills have me flat broke again). This is a worthy cause.

    P.S. This may be your last Red Flag warning, London; Take Heed!

  2. The Muslim mayor hasn’t wasted any time implementing his ideology with regard to women. The camel has gotten its nose under the tent. Londoners: why have you let this happen?

  3. It is difficult for a man laden with riches to climb the steep path, that leads to bliss, bliss comes to those who blow themselves to bits. And great reward of 77 raisins are granted those who take a few Joos with them.

  4. Here’s a few suggestions –
    With iSlam there is no love, only hatred.
    With iSlam there is no tolerance, only intolerance.
    With iSlam there is no generosity.
    With iSlam there is no forgiveness. Only brutality.
    With iSlam there is no music or joy. Only fear.
    With iSlam there is no honesty or integrity. Only deceit.
    With iSlam there is no equality for women. Women are property.
    With iSlam there is no light, only darkness.
    With iSlam there is no freedom. Only totalitarianism.
    With iSlam there is no Golden Rule.
    (except to steal someone else’s gold)
    With iSlam there is no concept of live and let live.
    With iSlam there is no Peace on Earth.
    With iSlam there is no Goodwill toward Men.
    With iSlam there are no “COEXIST” bumper stickers.

  5. The only explanation for allowing this plague into the western world is a multi-generational effort to instill profound ignorance via “educational” systems. No one who knows and understands history can “tolerate” the “intolerable”.

  6. The next European war will be quite different….

    The moslems learned from Hitler’s mistake….

    The moslems will conquer England first…..

    That way there’ll be no large aircraft carrier to launch a rescue of Europe.

  7. Frankly I worry about the poor sap cab driver. As much as I like the idea, you just know some cabbie will be dragged out of his hack and slaughtered.
    And the British government will say it’s his fault.
    Many others will blame Gellar and Spencer.
    And I’ll bet short money Bush gets an “honorable” mention

    There’s no doubt in my mind there will be no mass movement to engage in the war being waged against us, we will all have to decide when to start fighting back.

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