Soon There Will Be No Businesses in Minority Neighborhoods- Whose Fault Will That Be? – IOTW Report

Soon There Will Be No Businesses in Minority Neighborhoods- Whose Fault Will That Be?

The media spins it like the corporations are evil. “Pharmacy deserts.” Hmmmm, do they not want to make money off of POC? I think they do. The problem is, they don’t make any money. They lose money.

Whose fault is it?


America’s pharmacy deserts: Rite Aid, CVS and Walgreens will shut more than 1,500 stores due to crime and competition – leaving MILLIONS without access to healthcare

  • Rite Aid said it will close 150 of its 2,100 US locations after filing for bankruptcy
  • CVS is set to close the doors on 900 of its stores by the end of 2024
  • Walgreens will shutter 150 stores by summer 2024 – leaving millions in ‘pharmacy deserts’ 


What are the odds that the same people who fight police officers on traffic stops, shoot bullet holes into movie screens, and litter and throw garbage on the streets are the ones creating deserts because of rampant theft?

No answer required.

25 Comments on Soon There Will Be No Businesses in Minority Neighborhoods- Whose Fault Will That Be?

  1. Let’s take that down the road a little farther. What’s going to happen when young black men start showing up at stores in white wealthy areas? How about white red neck areas? And who’s faults that going to be.

  2. I want to know when these stupid-assed woke companies will start using White folks in their commercials again?
    It’s so ridiculous since these commercials are written for White actors, White demeanors, crap White people buy, etc.
    I believe only Old Spice advertises with “authentic” black folk’s verbiage & ghetto flavoring.

  3. Ah Wakanda, the very pinnacle of human achievement by the race that still lives in mud huts in their homeland .

    So many contributions to the benefit of mankind, and still contributing today with an illiterate diaspora of millions to enrich the other nations on earth.

    This country has tried every measure to lift this race up and all they have managed to accomplish is to shit in their own beds.

    All by Demonrat design of course…

  4. Maybe I’m wrong but…

    UDGAF, Use Uber Eats, Food, Pharma and whatever else they are developing.

    I know a lot of VERY VERY Wealthy People, they never use Uber Eats meanwhile the Drunken Barely Employed Twat next door has Lunch & Dinner delivered Regularly.

  5. So, after the proliferation of pharmacies these past five years, there is the inevitable die off (can’t have evolution without death of the unfit or more correctly don’t meet the demands of the environment).

    Instead of a pharmacy on every other corner the urban denizens will have to walk three or four blocks, or clutch your pearls, take the much vaunted mass transit to get pharmacy products.

    Boo-hoo, bubba.

  6. The Wegmans market I shop at has a city policeman in a squad car patrolling the parking lot full time. The store is in a well to do section of town. A couple years ago BLM protested and took over the parking lot and blocked street entrances which shut down the store for the better part of the day. I’ve heard store employees have been threatened.

  7. Sipping’ Coffee: I fixed it for you:

    “Instead of a pharmacy on every other corner the urban denizens will have to walk three or four blocks, or clutch your pearls, take the much vaunted mass transit to LOOT, SHOPLIFT, AND BURN.”

  8. As far as I know, We never had any blm type problems in my quiet little corner of (28% negroid) SC….. But! I noticed a row of honkys today maintaining their 6 feet of separation. What farging sheep!

  9. Here in the burbs we’ve had a few BLM signs (indicating an uber-lib) but ya know what you never see?

    Gun Free Zone signs!

    Plant one in an uber lib’s front yard and it’ll last a couple minutes… maybe!

    When they migrate out to the burbs, it won’t be just stores they invade!

  10. “theft” is racist.

    The new term is “shrink.”

    Get it right, bigot.

    If you want to see pharmacy and food deserts, for realz, visit any rural small town with less than 1000 people sitting in ruin, and there are a LOT of them, they make up the majority of land in the US and are occupied overwhelmingly by whitey that don’t commit crimes. Many of them were once larger cities with 5000++ people with supermarkets, drug stores, they all lost that to fake cheap food produced for urban hellholes occupied by minorities – Blacks stole that from whitey.

  11. We are not permitted to honestly discuss ANYTHING and this is a thing, so, no honest discussion is permitted. It isn’t the denizens fault, it’s something or someone else’s fault.

  12. “… Rite Aid, CVS and Walgreens will shut more than 1,500 stores due to crime and competition …”


    If one of the problems is “competition” then how does “Pharmacy deserts” work?

    I smell BULLSHIT!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  13. My nearby town has a population of 800. Somehow that small population plus the surrounding unincorporated communities sustain a pharmacy.

    Perhaps it survives because it’s small and focused only on pharmacy, not trying to be a general store like Walgreens and the other chains. It’s too small to be worth robbing?


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