Sore Losers! – IOTW Report

Sore Losers!

Must watch–

27 Comments on Sore Losers!

  1. “You lost! You lost!!” hahahahaha! He knee-capped ’em right there. Bang on your drums, march in the streets, it’s your right — but it doesn’t change a thing, baby!

  2. Sore Losers!
    Sore Losers!
    Shut. The. Fuck. Up!

    that belongs on a tshirt and needs to be sold by the millions. What the hell, put it on onesies too.

  3. “He must have balls of steel”

    The way the antagonists failed to engage and peeled off I suspect the guy with the cell phone AND his buddies were Triple X. Progs want jump into an even fight.

  4. “Progs want jump into an even fight.”

    I disagree. They don’t want ‘even,’ they want full advantage. That’s why they pepper spray middle-aged women and sucker punch older men. Then they run like mad to get away. Cowards, all.

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