Soros becomes the kiss of death for his own handpicked DA candidates – IOTW Report

Soros becomes the kiss of death for his own handpicked DA candidates

American Thinker:

Is Soros money becoming the kiss of death for candidates who take it?  Sure looks like it, based on the miserable poll performance of Soros’s little pawn in the San Diego district attorney’s race.

According to the San Diego Union-Tribune:

A political action committee funded by billionaire George Soros that has pumped hundreds of thousands of dollars into the campaign of Genevieve Jones-Wright for district attorney canceled all of its planned television advertising Wednesday for the candidate, just six days before voters go to the polls.

The move by the California Justice & Public Safety PAC, confirmed by two local television station managers, is a blow to the Jones-Wright campaign in the run-up to election day.  The PAC had been running saturation-level television advertisements for the past several weeks over county airwaves.

The money-yanking is clearly the result of polls showing that Genevieve Jones-Wright, his 30-something handpicked candidate, is failing miserably in the polls against her opponent, Summer Stephan, another leftist who is no prize but doesn’t take Soros money and probably will enforce the law at least some of the time, when there’s no political risk.  more here

7 Comments on Soros becomes the kiss of death for his own handpicked DA candidates

  1. “Summer Stephan, another leftist who is no prize but doesn’t take Soros money and probably will enforce the law at least some of the time”….that’s the best you can hope for in mexifornia

  2. The Satanic slim of Sore-Ass
    can never ever be washed off…
    When dies in about 100 more years
    his son Alexander will carry on.

  3. Genevieve Jones-Wright is about the least politically attractive candidate they could have run.
    You can just tell that she is salivating at the mouth to get back at “the system”.
    Screw her. I’m happy she’s going down in flames.
    She looks cut from the same cloth that D.A. from Baltimore that brought all those false charges against those police that worked the ghettos into a riotous frenzy when her sham prosecution fell apart.

  4. ANON

    Were in not for the take over of the GOP 25 years ago by the leftist/prgressive wing Cal would still be cal.
    We – and I include myself -have no one but ourselves to blame for the liberal takeover of the party of Ronnie. Which is why Cal is now Mexifornia!


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