Soros Names Smartmatic Chair As Head Of Open Society Foundation – IOTW Report

Soros Names Smartmatic Chair As Head Of Open Society Foundation


Billionaire left-wing political donor and philanthropist George Soros has appointed Mark Malloch-Brown, the chairman of SGO, which owns the Smartmatic voting software company, to be the new president of the Open Society Foundations, his global organization.

Smartmatic is one of two companies named by attorney Sidney Powell in lawsuits, thus far unsuccessful, alleging massive voter fraud in the 2020 election, along with the Dominion voting machine company. More

14 Comments on Soros Names Smartmatic Chair As Head Of Open Society Foundation

  1. The Open Society Foundation seems to be credited with doing all sorts of things, but what does it really do and, other than favoring one side of the political aisle over of the other, what influence does it have that is not countered by other organizations on the other side of things?

    I hear it talked about but really don’t fully understand what it does or why it seems so important.

  2. “I hear it talked about but really don’t fully understand what it does or why it seems so important.”

    what it does?

    it spreads the corrupting money to all the corrupt professional politicians so that the corrupting people providing the corrupt money get what they want in the corrupt legislation made by the corrupt politicians.

    you cannot expect lazy corrupt professional politicians to do anything with out being bribed do you?
    even selling out their fellow citizens which is what they are engaged in.
    selling you and me out to the new world order.

    selling you and your offspring into one world government slavery.


    oh and make sure to be “nice” to all your liberal democrat friends who you know who voted for the slavery advocates about to enslave you and yours.

  3. I honestly do not understand how some problems in the world do not get solved by a .308.

    I am not endorsing it, but a lot of powerful people have been Fked over by this scumbag. Gangbangers shoot eachother just for looking funny;.

  4. Trump needs to send a couple fighter jets to intercept one of George Soros’s flights and force the plane to land in Budapest Hungary. They’d like to see him there!


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