Soros’ operation pushed out of Hungary – IOTW Report

Soros’ operation pushed out of Hungary

Breitbart London:

George Soros’s Central European University is prepared to move out of Hungary after his Open Society Foundations announced Tuesday it was also leaving the country.

President and Rector of CEU Michael Ignatieff said that the university “can’t go into another academic year” if the Hungarian government did not sign a deal in the next few months.

“But I will say that if we get pushed, we will not go quietly, and I think they know that,” the former liberal Canadian politician told The Guardian.

The Hungarian government has maintained that the institution operates as an “offshore university”, offering both Hungarian and the U.S. diplomas despite not having an American campus, and is in violation of education laws.

CEU has since established a base at Bard College in New York State, with a Hungarian government spokesman saying that it was examining papers submitted by the Soros-founded institution but that “This inquiry is more complicated than those with other schools because there was no American mother institution originally.” more

9 Comments on Soros’ operation pushed out of Hungary

  1. Take your time examining those papers. Take as long as you need, even longer. Let the “university” leave the country.
    I’ll be willing to bet a dollar to a doughnut that this CEU doesn’t offer any worthwhile degrees, nothing STEM , nothing that isn’t politically motivated, nothing that isn’t SJW “studies” related (black studies, wymyn’s studies”, etc).

  2. I am Canadian and remember Michael Ignatieff’s run for Prime Minister about 10 years ago. What a loser! He thinks because he was a “big deal” at Harvard, that he could waltz back into Canada, a country which he had not lived in for 30 years (he was international – don’t you know!) and become its Prime Minister. Love Hungary and its Prime Minister – who definitely has the cojones!

  3. @Big Momma May 16, 2018 at 10:30 am

    Regarding Michael Ignatieff: He’s said he understands why the Hungarian politicians said all that “crazy” stuff during the election. But he’s “dumbfounded” that they’re actually trying to do any of it. How could Canada have let that one get away?


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