Soros’s Workshop – IOTW Report

Soros’s Workshop

25 Comments on Soros’s Workshop

  1. This young fool fancies himself a natural born leader while he’s too stupid to realize he’s nothing more than a useful idiot for more seasoned and cunning idiots.

  2. Soros’s Workshop is a 501(c)(4) which is not required to disclose its donors. Donors lose tax deductibility for their donations. That means they are permitted to conduct unlimited, anonymous lobbying at the expense of paying taxes on the contributions. Those who live in high tax states like California and New York, will lose almost half the value of their donations that could have otherwise been deducted from their state and local tax burden. In other words, Dark, Anonymous Money! Now who do you think is willing to almost double the cost of their donations in order to remain hidden from the public? We need Project Veritas to find a donor list to this secret organization.

  3. “TN Tuxedo March 26, 2018 at 6:20 am

    When this kid first came on the scene, I gave him the benefit of a doubt. I thought his fifteen minutes would come and go with seven minutes to spare.

    Boy, was I wrong.”

    Only by the time frame. His faux gravitas will disappear as soon as he’s not useful anymore.

  4. if the citizens actually cared about any of this hogg would never have become famous because george soros would have been tried and executed for being a traitor to his “adopted” country long ago.

    that’s what we get for letting old white men from europe emigrate to our country.
    or any one for that matter.
    close the borders, raise your wages.

    we would never had an obama either.

  5. Why is Soros allowed to stay here attempting to destroy this country?
    Shouldn’t he have been prosecuted for his war crimes along with the rest of his Nazi pals?

  6. Yeah, Joe. I saw him with the jarret. I had to hold my nose and went looking for the tweet to see if it was real, and sure enough, it is. She claims it’s “the beginning of their marathon.”

  7. Very clever. I gave Hogg a lot of slack at first for lashing out but I expected him to switch gears quickly and reflect and learn something and moderate. Now I just want to see him lampooned 24/7. Pass the popcorn.

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