“Sorry, Charlie,” You Got Caught Price Fixing – IOTW Report

“Sorry, Charlie,” You Got Caught Price Fixing


A federal court ruled Wednesday that StarKist Co. will have to pay a fine of $100 million for its role in a conspiracy to fix the price of canned and pouched tuna.

The company announced the fine in a statement on its website Wednesday. The fine was handed down by the United States District Court, Northern District of California.

Andrew Choe, StarKist president and CEO, said in a statement that the company had accepted its responsibility in the price-fixing case and that it had cooperated with the Department of Justice in its investigation. More

18 Comments on “Sorry, Charlie,” You Got Caught Price Fixing

  1. isn’t Nan Pelosi heavily involved in ‘Starkist’?

    … something about tax-free status on one of those islands the US owns in the Pacific (one that hasn’t tipped over yet)

  2. Nancy Pelosi and her husband are major share holders in Sunkist. While arguing for a $15 minimum wage, she also argued Factory workers in American Samoa, which produces canned Tuna for Sunkist. I BUY bummblebee Tuna. No Sunkist in my home.

  3. @Katdog — Bumblebee was one of the three top tuna canners named in the case.

    We buy Costco’s Kirkland brand albacore. Best tuna there is. Never saw their tuna prices go way up during all this, either.

  4. @ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ: “isn’t Nan Pelosi heavily involved in ‘Starkist’?”

    ” toby miles FEBRUARY 28, 2019 AT 4:18 PM
    Something smells fishy, and it is- fishy
    pelosi’s ‘Tuna Surprise’

    “Economists of every political stripe agree that a higher minimum wage will cost some low-skill workers their jobs. But don’t believe us; just ask Democratic Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
    The House last week whooped through an increase in the minimum wage to $7.25, by a vote of 315-116. But, lo, included as part of this boon to the working man was a loophole: The new, higher wage floor applied to all of these United States and its territories – save for the Pacific outpost of American Samoa. In the immortal words of Congressman Patrick McHenry (R., N.C.), “There’s something fishy going on here.”

    “It turns out that American Samoa has a big fish and tuna canning industry, specifically operations run by StarKist and Chicken of the Sea. Both companies are headquartered in California, and StarKist’s parent is located in none other than Ms. Pelosi’s own San Francisco district. So faster than you can say “middle class squeeze,” Democrats rediscovered the eternal economic truth that a higher minimum wage can cost jobs and granted Samoa its reprieve.” …
    “StarKist Co. has reportedly agreed to plead guilty to charges of price fixing as part of a conspiracy with two of its competitors to keep the price of canned tuna high.
    “Federal prosecutors announced the plea agreement on Thursday, which includes a fine of up to $100 million, according to The Associated Press. In the same deal, a former StarKist executive and two former Bumble Bee Foods executives pleaded guilty to price fixing.”

    “Paul Pelosi owns a $17 million investment in H. J. Heinz’s company, which in turn owns ~75% of Del Monte Corp’s stock. Del Monte is the parent company of StarKist. StarKist Tuna owns one of the two packing plants on American Samoa. Combined both plants employ over 60% of the population paying less than $3.75 a hour in wages.”

    this points to the contradiction of raising minimum wage decreases job availability, and also points out favoritism in government.
    I’m going to let this ruminate in my head for a little and see if something isn’t seared into my hippocampus, and that I can contribute about. There’s a lot about feinstein and pelosi that is ripe for pointing out contradictions.

  5. Pelosi made sure that Samoa was exempt from the wage bill.
    As Speaker her gross worth increased some 400% (or so I read somewhere).

    Congress is corrupt.
    Each and every one of them knows of the corruption – and struggles to become the most corrupt.

    Make corruption a capital offense.
    Make lying to your constituency (or better yet, lying to ANY American) a capital offense.
    Make the punishment fit the crime.

    Once we understand that corruption and lying are destroying the Republic, we may begin to take it seriously.

    izlamo delenda est …


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