Sorry Democrats, Your Problem Isn’t Messaging – IOTW Report

Sorry Democrats, Your Problem Isn’t Messaging

American Spectator:

As the midterms loom, panicky House Democrats are painfully aware that the political portents do not favor them. They have been consistently behind on the generic congressional ballot, and their fate will be profoundly influenced by President Biden’s abysmal job approval numbers. Consequently, they badly need competent guidance from their leadership. They aren’t getting it. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) is instead telling its members that their policies are not the problem. According to a recent Politico report, the DCCC insists that the source of their woes is GOP “culture war attacks” and the solution is better messaging.

DCCC chair Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney (D-N.Y.) is encouraging House Democrats to forcefully rebut Republican charges that they support defunding the police, open borders, critical race theory, and unnecessarily draconian COVID-19 mitigation measures. This will be a tough sell for Democrats, considering that many openly advocate these radical positions and very few have denounced them. Most voters remember those inconvenient facts, however, including Rep. Maloney’s constituents. He represents New York’s 18th congressional district and is one of the 70 incumbents the National Republican Congressional Campaign Committee (NRCC) is targeting for defeat in the midterm elections. The Washington Times reports: MORE

22 Comments on Sorry Democrats, Your Problem Isn’t Messaging

  1. They are NOT the enemy! You poor excuse for a human being is not your leader. Tunnel vision can lead you down a deadly path. But cult members are hard to pull out & be saved.

  2. It’s possible AI bots are their own worst enemy. Random statements modified by standard cliches and literary boilerplate are inserted when continuity of discussion can not be maintained. [Insert random sentence here.] Make no mistake, these are as import as major political pronouncements and should be examined carefully regardless of context. Content terminated. Call Exit.

  3. Not the messaging, but the message.
    The people in this country that have worked hard & built something, are long past tired of being blamed for the ills of the world.
    Fuck’em; going Galt this summer, for an extended vacation.
    Anyone else wanna go fishing?

  4. CC

    That is what i call the “Fuck It, Fix It Yourself” motto.
    I am also tired of being blamed for Working, Investing, and Not Being Poor.

  5. The biggest problem Democrats face is that others are losing their patience and many of them are coming to the conclusion that conceding good intentions to individuals whose prescription for what ails society is not warranted. It has not been logical to concede good intentions to individuals whose agenda has not only been tried and found wanting every time they have been able to seize power and implement their agenda, it has lead to massively increased innocent human suffering, misery and death each and every time it has been tried.

    What people are figuring out is this is a fight between good and evil and quite frankly Democrats are wantonly, unreservedly and openly motivated by wicked and evil intent. The Republican establishment is no better, they are just not as open about what they are up to.

  6. Speaking of messaging… here’s my message to evey despicable, double-crossing, disingenuous, duplicitous, dumpster-fire democRAT:

    ……..(‘(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)
    ……….”…\………. _.•´

    Let’s see the AI bots can figger it out!

  7. We don’t want to be “saved”! Never ask for it! They always think they can fix it. Well there’s no fixing this! Guess what Mother fuckers, we KNOW THIS! You are ALL past the point of No return!

  8. The Freedom convoy will be interesting. Given the open fascism of Cuckanada, I would imagine far more Americans are becoming aware of the glide path of our own country.

    It’d us minority folk who really outta scare the little red diaper doper Demonrats.

    Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and even Jews are realizing what the pinko crowd is up to.

    Their open support of every single perversion (especially pedophilia) are especially affecting blacks and Hispanics.

    These cultures detest the twisted sickening dictates of the woke, and are also the most affected by the idiotic neutering of police protection.

    BLMs obvious Marxism over real racial justice is turning off another 10 percent

    I suspect at this rate the Democrats are on pace to lose 3 out if 10 blacks and 5 out if 10 Hispanics.

    The results will be catastrophic for the Luciferians.

  9. Wouldn’t it be such a fun & fulfilling life as a typical Democrat? Always angry, always a victim, just waiting & hoping for something to be offended by? I assure all who vote Democrat, it isn’t the messaging, it’s your mental illness.

  10. @Cisco Kid February 22, 2022 at 4:09 pm

    A swing.

    > The results will be catastrophic for the Luciferians.

    And, a miss.

    If communalists were capable of self-organizing, they wouldn’t be where they are. They wouldn’t, they couldn’t be communalists.

    If cisnormative, melanin normative, patriarchs, were capable of thinking beyond Muh dik, they wouldn’t be where they are. They wouldn’t, they couldn’t be communalists.

    And, then, there are the parasites.

    Any, every, “reset”, leaves you on the same track. That’s the plan. Same as it ever was.

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