Smoke detector chirp at 0:15.
— iamyesyouareno (@iamyesyouareno) April 25, 2024
Murder at 0:19.
51 Comments on Sorry, I Just Don’t Believe Black People Think Black Lives Matter
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don’t worry it’s because of climate change ? whitey? the patriarchy?
The New World Order wants to decimate the global population, so this is one neighborhood’s contribution.
Why did white supremacists make him do that?
I think that you may be right.
There’s a few “black” conservative leaning peeps that are pushing to bring back the term Negro. Makes sense to me. Who want’s to be referred to as a color. But what do I know. Maybe the upstanding American “Black Citizens” should be refereed to as Negroes, and these animals are just flat out black. I dunno.
Black Lives Matter only when it’s used to extort money and/or power from whitey!
Will either’s student loans still be forgiven?….
“Negro Lives Matter”
Where’s 99th when you need her? Her take on this would be most excellent.
I was in a LOT of Section MUDs as an FF.
I find it harder to believe a smoke detector there still had ANY battery in it than the murder.
THURSDAY, 25 APRIL 2024, 21:34 AT 9:34 PM
“don’t worry it’s because of climate change ? whitey? the patriarchy?”
…Trump’s fault, of course. Put your Jussie Smollet glasses on and you’ll see the place is just CRAWLING with MAGA…
…I can’t help but notice that no one shows ANY interest in seeing if the guy’s still alive and can be helped…probably not, but normal human beings even in shock will generally, y’know, LOOK…
It goes like this:
1. black on black crime
2. black on white crime
3. black on hispanic crime
4. black on asian crime
somewhere down here.
5. white on black crime
But just remember, BLM exists cause of all that whitey crime against blackie and that’s why blackie can’t get ahead in this raycis country, gettin all shot up in MAGA country and shit.
LBJ claims another one!
Race baiters like 0bama and Rev Al will NEVER give up the grift.
If only we had universal background checks, homie would never been able to buy that gun. /sarc
The shooting was justified because Jamal was being disrespected by the Vic. No bail.
Gosh. I wonder what Brad thinks of the Christian black people that are pushing to bring back the term Negro now that he doesn’t like Christians getting all uppity with their opinions?
Black people who are spiritually corrupt, mentally ill, sexually depraved, criminally insane are morally bankrupt and victimizing themselves and others. They don’t care about living or dying.
The young black thugs in the video make that point shockingly true. They believe they have nothing to live for.
Since these desrtructive behaviors are concentrated in black urban communities it has the most devastating effects in those areas. Black on black crime is still the highest crime rate.
It’s going to take an act of God – No, not extermination, but redemption.
These people have no hope until they recognize they’re in a vicious death cycle fueled by sin and the evil it creates. Until then, they will continue to self destruct.
Please don’t throw the proverbial black baby (who probably survived being an abortion statistic) out with the bathwater.
There are black people who are very law abiding, but their positive contributions to society are drowned out by depraved black monsters taking lives, BTW, Godless socialist doctrines greatly contribute to the violence.
So where do you fall on the Black vs Negro thing. Or have you even heard of it. I can’t remember the guys name, hey, I’m old, but the dude that use to be on Greys anatomy and got booted off for being a conservative is solid behind it.
I have reason for asking, and you know I mean no harm.
Just another day in the lives of urban savages.
Anytime I see something like this it always reminds me of North Tulsa several years ago outside a walk up chicken place and some guy is killed while in line and they refused to do anything, but step on and over him to not lose their line in place for chicken. Nobody saw anything as well, they claimed.
Brad, just saw your comment. Thanks, but my thoughts on the matter may be too spiritually based for most people.
Still, these heinous crimes committed overwhelming by black people is beyond the natural. It has to be addressed spiritually.
Personally, it’s humiliating and depressing to be associated with people so depraved and causing so much damage. These black urbanites have to come to their sense themselves with God’s help. Other people can’t do that for them.
On the subject of black conservatives calling themselves “Negro” – what’s the point. “Negro” just means black in Spanish. So, as black Americans we adopt a term that’s not English…really!
Despite class differences in black populations, the world considers ALL black people sub-human and worthless. Being called “Negro” won’t change the perception.
^^^ That’s an amazingly damn good point.
Billy Strings. Dust in a Baggie.
I used to work with three black guys; one from Hartford, two from Detroit. They all grew up in crime-ridden hell holes and had friends gunned down in their neighborhoods. After they worked in NoVa for a couple years and got a taste of good living, all three of them settled down, got married, raised families and lived the American Dream. I think they also learned that whites don’t hate blacks the way they had been taught. They just had to step out of the Hell in which they were raised, open their eyes, and see what life outside of “black” had to offer.
It’s funny that so many hate white people, but love to life in places full of white people.
Hey there, Brad. You’re good. No problem. We’re iotwr buds.
You’re talking about Isaiah Washington. He seems to be a decent black conservative. I can understand his desire to separate himself from these demonic barbaric hoodrats, but that’s behavior based. Color references really aren’t distinctive enough.
He’s walking away from Hollywierd, btw, but I hope he does independent projects, especially Westerns; .
The shooter may have a self-defense claim. The dead guy follows after him with a gun. Shooter fires off two rounds. Victim bends over to pick up the gun he dropped and this time shooter plugs him.
Old Racist White Woman
THURSDAY, 25 APRIL 2024, 23:33 AT 11:33 PM
“Anytime I see something like this it always reminds me of North Tulsa several years ago outside a walk up chicken place and some guy is killed while in line and they refused to do anything, but step on and over him to not lose their line in place for chicken. Nobody saw anything as well, they claimed.”
…there was a house up the street from my old one in a neighborhood that, uh, “Changed character” in the quarter century I lived there, where someone was having a party in a basement when a guy walked in, shot a guy dead, and walked out. Cops got there and interviewed everyone, and in a basement full of people, no one saw a thing.
No murderer was ever punished.
…of course, you DO have to pick your targets. Another guy was fool enough to rob and murder a guy selling T-shirts out of a Main Street storefront so close to my house the murder ran through my side yard, dropping his hat in the process so I came home to find the entire South side of my house was now a crime scene.
The guy thought he got away, but thing is the person he killed was an African, not an American Black, and his countrymen weren’t exactly worried about if LEO could do anything, they wanted to find the guy themselves. A few of them worked where I did so I saw a poster, complete with security cam picture, they were circulating, and they WEREN’T saying to call the authorities if you saw him.
Guy got wind of this, somehow
and decided to surrender to cops in Florida.
Wise move.
Because, had the Africans caught him, I doubt the cops would have ever found him after that.
Not intact, anyway…
Have you watched Cardigan yet. Wow. I’m a big fan. The Bass Reeves story is totally man shxt. (cleaned it up for you,lol). Bass Reeves tracked down his own son. All man.
So now here’s my question. I hope this isn’t stupid. I’m assuming you have a lot of white friends. I have a few black friends I’ve made through doing biz with the feds. All ex mil. They’re rough around the edges. So am I. I had an epiphany a couple weeks ago. They’re all PATRIOTS. And when we interact there is no skin color involved. Just wondering if you experience the same.
PS, one of those guys daughters is fly F22’S. And no it wasn’t a deveristy hire.
Lance o Lot
FRIDAY, 26 APRIL 2024, 0:00 AT 12:00 AM
“I used to work with three black guys; one from Hartford, two from Detroit. They all grew up in crime-ridden hell holes and had friends gunned down in their neighborhoods. ”
…guy I worked with came up from the Projects, and had the physical and mental scars to prove it. Worked his way out tho, and after a heart attack retired to live in his wholly owned single family house, owned a rental property, and had put 2 kids through college while remaining married to the same woman for 27 years.
There was always some weirdness to him, like if you put an unexpected hand on him he’d tense up like iron and whip around at you in a REALLy unsetting way, stuff like that, but as long as you weren’t startling him he was one of the nicest, hardest working guys you’d ever meet.
An inhuman place can make human monsters, true, but they don’t have to STAY monsters.
It really depends on the man.
Wow, Brad, you’ve got black friends with excellent credentials – a little jealous LOL! I do have a few white and black friends of like mind. Some solid patriots. I hang out with them more.
Bass Reeves is my utmost favorite historical figure. He was incredible. Learned about him about six years ago and consider him an absolute American hero.
I haven’t seen the “Cardigan” yet, but if you recommend it, I’m definitely looking for it.
I’m not the typical woman, I love testosterone driven action movies. Men are my favorite people. Women annoy me sometimes.
Oh, btw “Orca” Winfrey co-produced a Bass Reeves movie with the producers who did “Yellowstone”. It’s on Hulu now. .
Can’t recommend it because they used an African/British actor who looks NOTHING like Bass Reeves a true American ethnic hybrid tall, square jawed, etc. Ruined it for me. I can’t bear to watch it. Maybe you would like to see it. The trailer looks good, though. Let me know what you think.
Same dudes son is in one of those competition marching band things. He’s front and center the star. I’ll track down some of the videos and ask BFH to send them your way.
That would be great, Brad. Really liked to see it.
So far, not one commenter has mentioned the real culprit: The pistol!
And the pistol is the fault of the Constitution, 2A.
And the Constitution is a product of white hetero-patriarchal racism.
If it didn’t get clicks on social media, the video wouldn’t be public.
SNS, I can’t remember now if they ever discovered who killed him, I remember a cousin begging people and disgusted that people just walked over his dead body. Some of them even when interviewed by local news crew said they saw him laying there, but they had to stay in line because they would run out of fried chicken.
I’m so old I remember when they kept their thieving and killing in North Tulsa, then they started venturing out. Then the Mexicans took over the east side of Tulsa, then the west side went to shit, then it moved midtown and downtown and now there’s nowhere safe in Tulsa.
Obama’s free housing in white neighborhoods spread the shit like wildfire.
I no longer watch the local news, but when I did 99% of shooting suspects, robbery suspects and rape/assault suspects were black. Stabbing suspects were almost always Mexican. With the news folks it was just like reporting a fender bender, but when a white person committed a murder it was talked about for days.
Ignoring the problem hasn’t seemed to help any, but if you mention the problem it makes you racist.
I also couldn’t tell you how many tax dollars have went to clean up the houses in North Tulsa to just have it return to the same way within a few months. Then all the tax dollars to bring them grocery stores that always end up closing because it’s hard to keep your doors open when your merchandise is being stolen all the time and your building is always vandalized.
That seems to always be the government’s answer throw more tax money at them, when I think the solution would be to take tax dollars away force them to work for a living.
BLM matter to the extent that they can be exploited to advance an ulterior motive from what I’ve observed watching the progressive movement put their agenda into action under Biden
I wouldn’t have noticed the smoke detector chirp if it hadn’t been pointed out. Too much damn hollering and shrieking, probably all the time there. Eventually the smoke detector starts screaming for attention, then it gets ripped down and tossed out the window, like all of the others. Then the 3:00 AM fire starts because somebody left a burner on before they passed out.
In my house, that chirp gets noticed and dealt with properly and immediately. I don’t like them very much, and I do think there’s smoke detector overkill, but the annoying contraptions havevbeen proven to save lives. And in my house, all lives matter.
What we need is common sense gang banger control.
If the democRATz really want gun control they can start right now in their own plantations and see how that goes… but they don’t. Government agencies are all armed to the teeth including IRS agents and they will arm those who support them – think illegals.
thug lives of any color do not matter to me
…thug lives, in or out of gubmint…
I question how much some people value their own lives.
Walking around with guns and pointing them at people with guns was not how I was taught in gun safety.
I just wish they would hurry up and get it over with.
It’s sad that people (yes – mostly blacks) get sucked into the selfish ‘take from or get taken from’ mentality early in their lives, and it ticks me off that most of our government is feeding this evil. It REALLY got ramped up with the BLM riots, and continues to increase because none of them are incarcerated for their crimes – and they get the chance to put police in prison…
“Jamal’s been shot….somebody get him an absentee ballot.”
@SNS – your story reminded me of an incident that happened in the city I live near; a dozen people outside a home standing around in the driveway. A car drives by and starts shooting and accidentally hits a 12 yr old kid riding his bike two doors down, killing him. No one sees a thing. Crime goes unsolved for years. A large enough reward is offered for someone to rat out the guilty party.
Now how’s he supposed to change the battery?
WAS a bad dude.