SOTU BINGO (Update) – IOTW Report


The winning line is line D- Military, Energy, Family, Trade, African Americans.

The winners are:

NOBODY!!!!   (Insert The Price is Right sad brass combo music.)

The first 10 correct answers will receive Trump Derangement Syndrome stickers to hand out to the deranged, courtesy of


Geoff C. Saltine requested that we bring back the SOTU bingo game.

Many will remember that I developed the oft-copied Barack’s Bullshit Bingo game 10 years ago. It was a way to make his bullshit palatable. We don’t need that for our current president, but it will be fun to finally play the game without a clothespin on our nose.

I’ve added a new wrinkle.

Choose the line that you think will be filled up first and drop it in the comments.

The numbers are the horizontals, the letters the verticals.

A-5 is your pick for a top left to bottom right choice. E-5 for the top right to bottom left choice.

The address begins at 9pm et.

240 Comments on SOTU BINGO (Update)

  1. A1 through E1.
    the shutdown has to be in there and the only other option with shutdown is B2 Through B5.
    I think A1 through E1 hits more topics on our Country as a whole.

  2. I understand that RBG is supposed to be there as enrobed judge, in person, to hear this SOTU by President Trump. BUT credible rumor has it that the concert she allegedly attended was actually a funeral for her. Now that would be believable!!

  3. Senator McConannhole
    Crooked-Hillary’s crooked emails and the the “Clintain Fountain of money”
    Maleficence Mueller
    Dork Boy Giant Comey
    The refs for that non-call in the Saints-Rams Game and the non-call media

    *My wish list 🙂

  4. Nancy is busy “fact” checking, looking at notes…

    Either that or she is looking at her schedule for tonight:

    (9:00-9:05) Look sour
    (9:05-9:10) Look like sucking lemons
    (9:10-9-20) Look dour
    (9:45-10:00) Look constipated
    (10:00 – death) Look like you hate this country

  5. Why do democrats like to dress similar? Are they opposed to individuality? Are they children? Or better yet a bunch of high school girls in a click? Pathetic even had old hag pelosi telling them when to stand up!

  6. Why does Nancy keep checking her papers? Is this not the speech that all the dems thought they were going to get tonight, and threw out all their hypothetical talking points against for the last two days?

    Uh oh! Trump-Chess is back in play!

  7. President Trump is a master player. He’s got the White Witches of the Capitol (Nasty Nance, AOC, etc. standing up and applauding, even if it’s for their one sided agenda.
    BTW, Patriots sitting behind the white wearing mob drowned out the feminitwits protest cheer with shouts of “USA!”. LOLOLOL!

  8. Fucking Nancy had to think about standing for the “it’s the Americans, it’s the Americans” line.
    Seriously, I would buy drinks for the entire bar if that cunt died tonight.
    That whore can’t die soon enough.
    Evil lives behind our President.
    It’s not the swamp, it is indeed the bowels of hell.
    Disgusting pig-eyed sack of shit. 🙁

  9. Our greatest generation “fighting for the generations yet unborn.” Infanticide mocks God and is contrary to the victories of brave men and women who liberated nations and defended our country.

  10. ‘I have pics of Pelosi’s boobs too, but only from the waist down.’
    Please be considered and keep them to yourself,,,
    Think I know the ones you have, saw them on National Geographic or rewriting History Special once.
    No need to fowl up the net more,,,

  11. Notice the Jezebels in White, how they sat and scowled when pro-American points were made by the President. However, they didn’t hesitate to stand and applaud themselves when “women” became the topic.

  12. @Claudia, close perhaps–call a tie with Reagan in my lifetime. Reagan’s speeches shaped my political life. But what the two have in common: Truth, patriotic, and forthright for our time in history.

  13. Stacey Abrams just declared war on Americans. And when is it the problem of every American that federal workers can’t budget their money? And Stacey, get those teeth together.

  14. Stacy is trying to sell dependence on the government, yes Stacy nurse on Nancy’s big fake boobs, they are filled with the milk of democrat kindness, i.e. our tax dollars….

  15. Hey Stacey,
    “…Here, in the United States, we are alarmed by new calls to adopt socialism in our country. America was founded on liberty and independence –- not government coercion, domination, and control. We are born free, and we will stay free. Tonight, we renew our resolve that America will never be a socialist country.”
    President Donald J. Trump – SOTU 2019

  16. Only the rag bag women of the Democrat party would consider the honor of serving this great nation of nations “employment.” Disgusting harridans. I truly hate them. God have mercy on me, a poor sinner.

  17. Abram’s a demwit socialist stooge. That speech she read off the teleprompter has been given by her party for 60 yrs. – only the names have changed. What an idiot.

  18. You all now make me wish I would had watched it!
    ‘Did any body count how many times Nancy had to pull her dentures out of her ass?’
    Damn, the things I missed.
    (and sometimes have had to pay good money for, my dentures that is not on Nancy),,,
    and this was on for free? Sounds like it was MAGA, thanks to you all, sincerely

  19. I’m thinking someone in the DNC was JUST smart enough to know dJT was going to park this shit and figured out, “Hey, let’s get that loser Stacey to do the rebuttal”.

  20. Charlie WalksonWater, I have followed Kim Clement’s prophecies for years and read about the Trump prophecy in 2006, I think. Incredibly accurate. God is awesome. Really miss Kim since he passed away. His daughter seems to have a prophetic gift too.


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