“Soul Caps” Banned From Tokyo Games – IOTW Report

“Soul Caps” Banned From Tokyo Games


The International Swimming Federation has banned the use of “Soul Caps” at this month’s Olympic games, held in Tokyo, Japan.

According to the federation, the Soul Cap company’s swim caps — which are designed for swimmers with thick, voluminous, and curly hair and have been made popular by several African American swimmers — do not “fit the natural form of the head.” More

49 Comments on “Soul Caps” Banned From Tokyo Games

  1. ROFLMFAO, lemme get this straight.
    Swimmers want to attach a hair filled buoy to their heads to swim competitively.
    I’m gonna go out on a sturdy limb and suggest these swimmers never passed physics.

  2. “…The ban on Soul Caps has sparked outrage among many, specifically those who are working to protect the hair and hairstyles of black swimmers who take part in the Olympic games…”

    So it has nothing to do with winning, but everything to do with virtue signalling.

  3. Had to Google image of ‘soul cap’ because, as Joe6pak said, there is no photo of what a soul cap. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 These soul caps look like a shower cap than a swim cap. They are big and poufy. And ridiculous.

  4. I guess if they’re allowing biological males to compete against women, why not allow Soul Caps? They will do nothing but slow the swimmers down anyway.

  5. If someone were to win wearing this swimcap, they wld deserve immense praise.
    A person choosing to be eliminated for wearing an unauthorized suit, should just sit by the pool, in a sagging swimsuit, bitching about racists & white people ………….

  6. Olympics Olshympics. I haven’t cared about the Olympics since there was this guy named Bruce Jenner. He was sumpin special.
    Years later we’d find out why.

  7. Back in the early 70’s, black airmen in the USAF pushed the limits when it came to regulations. I was in a chow hall, the AF called them dining facilities because chow is for dogs and grunts, when two old school NCO’s spied an airman sporting a huge afro while wearing the uniform. They might have let that go if it weren’t for the pick he had embedded in the afro. A pick was a hair grooming device blacks used to fluff up afros back then to give them more volume. The NCO’s walked up behind him and one of them jerked the pick from the afro with such force a wad of hair came with it. The airman screamed and began a foul-mouthed tirade so the NCO’s grabbed him and removed him from the chow hall. We heard later that the airman was charged with a violation of AFR 35-10 (uniform violation) and disorderly conduct.

  8. @ Hambone: Rules – that only illiterates cannot understand. Enforcement of rules – that only idiots cannot foresee coming, especially in the military. Systemic RACISM!!! Gotta LOVE it!!

  9. Is there a group, that doesn’t have a break-way corresponding title of some type of African-American Association. By the way very few Blacks are actually from Africa, they are home grown Black Americans. I’m a home grown white American, I am not an Irish-Scottish-English-Western European-American.
    Either you are an American or not.
    Let’s drop the hyphenated bullshit.
    All it shows is a propensity for further Division.

  10. Oh I get it, it’s for people with big hair. Isn’t it possible to tame fluffyness? Good gravy, I bet they shave every hair off the body to go faster.

  11. Wait a minute. “According to Noliwe Rooks, Brown University’s African Studies chair and professor, the new ban “disregards the needs of Black women to protect their hair and their hairstyles” while they are swimming.”
    Are they saying that water damages a black person’s hair. That does lead to a couple of more questions …

  12. Ted and Tony…..

    Imagine if you will…..1982 NAS Pensacola AOCS…..
    “Remedial Swim”…..Gunny Clark did politely point out that I should have done the Y swim class before I joined up….since it was Naval Aviation…..I wisely did not state that I planned on flying over the oceans…..not swimming thru them…..

    And we requalified every 7 years….so they got 2x times to try and drown me…..Awwww….the memories.

  13. I have curly hair, and yes, as anyone who has curly hair knows- if you take a hair brush to it (you should NEVER!!!!) it will become 125% larger than nature intended. However, we can wet it and slick it down to fit inside a swim cap. lol. Swim caps aren’t for keeping your hair from getting wet, they’re for keeping the hair off your face and keeping the Sun from damaging it when it’s soaked with pool pee and chlorine.

    If you’re wearing braids that can be taken out (Artificial hair) then just fucking do it and put on a regular swim cap. It’s a sporting event that will last a few days. You can put them back in after your event.

    That said. I can sympathize for other reasons because my hair is curly and mid-back length and I can’t find a fucking hat to fit my head unless I put it in a low pony tail. 😂

  14. If your hair style and hair type is more relevant than winnning an Olympic event then don’t compete.

    Stay home and stare at your Marxist Critical Race Theory certificate and watch the Olympics on TV.
    Obviously, “diversity” over purpose is the focus of leftist athletes.

    If I qualified for an Olympic swimming event, I would shave my head if it would help me win.
    The objective, lost on “athletic activists” is to win, not make sure a ‘do is correct while swimming.

  15. Burr, the Magnificent I can almost match your LOL haircut experience.
    At fourteen I cut my own hair and it looked like a very bad bowl cut.
    That was not a look in the early 1970s for girls. I wore a scarf for weeks and my family, friends and enemies teased me mercilessly. Teenage angst – those were the days.

  16. It’s messed up in the back. I did the front, fine….Then I gave the boy the clippers….while I was holding the dang 1/2 attachment in my hand.


    It feels chunky back there. And my 8 year old says i have a “hole” in the back of my head. Hopefully it doesn’t go all the way through.


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