Sounds About Right – IOTW Report

Sounds About Right


13 Comments on Sounds About Right

  1. Criminal, socialist, uninformed or stupid, etc…

    We’ll have to ferret out the actual Hillary voters from the fraudulent ones before we condemn the American electorate again, like we did in 2008 and 2012 (you know, the “53%”). Seriously, I think we’re very close to our electoral deathbed.

  2. Calif; 10-15 million illegals registered democrat at the DMV= hillary 30%..
    Plus 30% dumb democrats. Plus 20% airheads smoking weed. Plus 20% corrupt election officials equals 100% for hillary.
    Plus 30% for Trump.
    Remember this is math challenged Calif. with crooked kamala harris and vile sanchez on the ballot.
    Yesterday the news assured us that there is no rigging going on. But the simple fact that illegals voting is illegal
    just doesn’t register in their pea brained skulls.

  3. “i’m curious what the iotw readers bets are on california popular vote.”

    54% for Clinton, 42% for Trump, and 4% for Johnson/Stein. For registered voters, Democrats claim 58% of the population are Democrats, and as far as I can tell the Republican party in California is about dead.

    I believe voter turnout will be low. Both the Democrats and Republicans recognize that a Republican will not carry California nationally, so neither Hillary nor Trump campaigned there. There are two Democrats vying for Boxer’s Senate seat, so there isn’t much excitement there. There is a marijuana proposition on the ballot, but California already has medical marijuana laws and everyone just assumes the pot prop. will pass.

    Of the major population centers, San Francisco would vote for Stalin if he ran as a Democrat, and Los Angeles voters will vote in lockstep for whatever Democrat is on the ballot. San Diego is a little more conservative, but has been shifting left for a number of years. Rural California will vote for Trump, but there aren’t enough of these folks to make a significant difference.

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