1. For all you, out there, planning on using the Hillary defense think again! The old loyalist FBI Director stated (I wonder what he was promised in a Clinton administration? Low-rent-retta was promised the Supreme Court!) that when it comes to you or I the prosecutors will get very unreasonable very quickly!

  2. During my US Navy days, one of the men in my communications watch at a Naval Air Station left a SECRET classified message on the counter where anyone passing by could see it. He lost his security clearance, demotion, sent to the brig. I got a chewing out because as senior petty officer of the watch, it was under my responsibility.

  3. “To be clear this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences”. FBI (Federal Bureaucratic Idiots) Director
    spelled it out as plain as can be! This statement is the key. She walks you don’t, Period!

  4. Lynch is going to do what the FBI recommends. The FBI is going to do what 0bama orders them to do.
    I knew she would skate when I heard that FBI puppet tooting the department’s horn, time after time, trying to dilute the image of incompetence they have worked so hard to obtain lately.

    The whole fucking bunch are corrupt.

  5. The problem with this is that it leads to the White House, and Hillary knows Soetoro is untouchable.
    That is why she has never shown any concern about the investigation.

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