Soup to Nuts – IOTW Report

Soup to Nuts


Phoebe Plummer, 23, and Anna Holland, 22, have been jailed at Southwark Crown Court for two years and 20 months respectively after being convicted of criminal activity when they threw tomato soup over the the iconic painting in 2022.

The painting, currently on view in the National Gallery’s exhibition, “Van Gogh: Poets and Lovers,” was completed in 1888 and is worth up to £72.5 million ($97 million). It was protected by a glass cover, but prosecutors alleged that the soup acted as “paint stripper” to its 17th-century frame and may have caused up to £10,000 ($13,000) worth of damage. The activists denied damaging the property. More

12 Comments on Soup to Nuts

  1. Don’t get me started. These two privileged, privately educated brats, who are funded by the bank of mummy and daddy, are the absolute worst examples of spoiled ingrats. Neither of them have a fucking clue about the real world and would wither and die without parental funding. I blame the parents as much as them.

    They are also too fucking stupid to realise that their hair dye, hand glue, shoes, and probably most of their clothiing contains something derived from petro-chemicals.

  2. And the lovely Pheobe was also arrested for spraying paint at Heathrow Airport. Paint FFS! She (or more likely the organisation she “represents”) are buying paint. Shake my damned head.

  3. No need to incur incarceration costs. At the same art museum, find a stretch of blank wall and glue the girls to it. They would be the premier exhibit in a new “Poetic Justice” gallery. The museum could even make a few extra bucks pounds by setting up a “Feed the Wildlife” kiosk selling Slim Jims and little bags of pork rinds and cups of soup to help keep the girls alive, if anyone wanted to.

  4. “…over 100 artists and arts professionals have spoken out in defense of their gesture,…”
    I guess we should seek out those artist’s works and soupify them? They should go after hunter’s ‘works’ too- and he uses straws to make them!

    we gotta be in a simulation
    one thing I don’t understand, if they were going to do such a thing, why did they use heinz soup, and not an iconic can of Campbell’s Tomato Soup?

  5. And now, I’m also assigning blame to the institutions that house these irreplacable treasures. How does the National Gallery of Great Britain not have metal dectectors that would detect a “can” of soup? Just for reference, two hours after Pheobe and co were sentenced, three more morons threw soup over tha same painting.

    The Mr and I were at the Getty Center in LA three weeks ago and we had to go through metal detectors (as did our bags). Why don’t all fine art facilities have this most basic security.

  6. From the article: “Yesterday, an open letter was published in the protesters’ defense, arguing that the demonstration was itself a legitimate work of art.”

    Bullsh!t. Art is by definition creative. Their little ‘performance art’ was destructive. Not art. Vandalism.

  7. Glue them to the wall, naked, with horse hide glue. Feed them only tomato soup. As they fall off the wall, reattach as needed

    If that is seen as “cruel and unusual” (Brits have an expansive history) a simple stocks and pillory in the public square for the endurance, they can eat whatever hits their mouths.


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