Source Identified – IG FISA Report Identifies One Confidential Human Source Leading to Audit of FBI Activity – IOTW Report

Source Identified – IG FISA Report Identifies One Confidential Human Source Leading to Audit of FBI Activity

CTH: Yesterday we identified one FBI Confidential Human Source who was part of the Trump campaign [SEE HERE].  Today we identify another, more interesting, one.

Throughout the 478-page IG report on FBI FISA misconduct there are several mentions of Confidential Human Sources (CHSs) who were either officially “tasked” or unofficially involved in the 2016 FBI investigation of the Trump campaign.

The inspector general review of the CHS activity is fraught with examples of the FBI denying many of the numerous “non-tasked” sources were acting in an official capacity.

The inspector general’s office knowing the FBI were lacking candor is one thing; however, proving that is another matter entirely.  The ‘having to take them at their word‘ dynamic appears throughout the chapters on the use of Confidential Human Sources.

Horowitz report shows the level of denial and justification by FBI officials in Washington DC surrounding the deployment of human sources stretches credulity. It really is quite something to take the totality of the FBI denials, for repeated and specific events, place them all together and then determine all of this is just random, happenstance activity.

Despite FBI denials, perhaps because of them; and despite the IG not being able to find specific evidence that would refute their denials; the IG found far too many coincidences for all of the activity to be coincidental.  This led to Inspector General Horowitz writing a break-out report on just the use of Confidential Human Sources [Nov. 19, 2019].

CTH has identified another key “non-tasked” (their claim) CHS that appears to have been the final straw for Horowitz amid a mountain of FBI denials.  The FBI claims around this specific person is what eventually led to the November 19th, 2019, break out report.

[NOTE: I am identifying these redacted individuals and sources because there is a bigger issue at stake.  There is growing evidence of an ongoing battle within the current FBI.  One side wants to push out the truth, the other side is intent on hiding it.] . MORE

6 Comments on Source Identified – IG FISA Report Identifies One Confidential Human Source Leading to Audit of FBI Activity

  1. It was not spying. It was authorized, legal surveillance that was approved by the highest levels of the Osmidgen Administration. They had FISA Warrants, for goodness sake! It was all totally legal. Russians were colluding with the Trump organization to deny President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton her rightful place as the anointed successor to the Great Fundamental Transformer. It was not spying! It was legal, authorized surveillance! The wonderful, patriotic men and women of the FBI and the DoJ would never violate anyone’s rights to spy on an American Presidential Campaign. We just have to trust them.

  2. @Marco, On FB, this wouldn’t be sarcasm.
    “Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.” – H.L. Mencken

  3. “They had FISA Warrants, for goodness sake! It was all totally legal.”

    Just as were the Nuremberg laws.
    And the Gulag.
    And the “Hundred Flowers” campaign.
    And Jim Crow.

    All the abominable behavior by governments throughout time has been “legal” – which is why our founders gave us a Constitution which circumscribed the GOVERNMENT! Our Secret State Police (FBI) is out of control and their anti-American activities have (somewhat and grudgingly) been exposed.
    Their (obvious) conspiracy with the FISA court, Obola administration, and foreign actors – as well as their contempt for their oaths of office – and their blatant disregard for any sense of honor and “justice” should give us all pause.
    The fact that the so-called “decent” agents within this corrupt agency haven’t raised holy hell in an effort to clean the shit out of their shinola is all the evidence necessary to conclude that the agency is beyond cleansing.
    Filth tolerates filth.
    One cannot remain pristine swimming in a septic tank.

    Whatever good they may have done is soiled.
    It takes only a small amount of feces to destroy a half-gallon of ice cream.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. OTD: Why wouldn’t people trust Peter Strozk and Lisa Page? His wife and her husband trusted them, and they’ve known them for decades. James Comey trusted them. So did Loretta Lynch. So did President Osmidgen. It’s not their fault that they didn’t get the job done. It’s Donald Trump’s fault.

  5. @OTD December 26, 2019 at 7:23 am

    Fear not! Loyal citizen! The “normal man” is tempted. Every day of the week. That’s not during an election. What do you think Confidential Human Sources are paid to do, the rest of the time?


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