Source: Trump Focused on Mental Health Legislation Instead of Gun Control – IOTW Report

Source: Trump Focused on Mental Health Legislation Instead of Gun Control

Breitbart: The Second Amendment Foundation’s (SAF) Alan Gottlieb indicates President Donald Trump has pivoted from any consideration of gun control and is focused on mental health reforms.

Gottlieb, SAF’s founder and executive vice president, told Breitbart News the White House contacted him and informed him that Trump “will only support mental health legislation, no gun control.”

This comes after Trump initially voiced support for expanded background check legislation following mass shootings, only to scale back that support and eventually note that the U.S. already has background checks that are “strong.” read more

13 Comments on Source: Trump Focused on Mental Health Legislation Instead of Gun Control

  1. The man truly is a common sense genius.

    90 percent of the rest of people in federal elected office are lower than Michelle obama’s feces and need to be flushed down the same sewer.

  2. He applying common sense for a change instead of the clowns following the crowd to score points with the idiot anti 2nd amendment zealots.
    Trump actually wants to fix a problem not pretend it’s something else.

  3. Okay certainly a way better diversionary proposal to highlight what is one of the real issues (the other biggie being Muslim ideology).

    But unfortunately for the most part there are no efficacious treatments for mental health. You can’t fix personality disorders, psychoses, baked-in issues stemming from a bad mentally stunting or perverting upbringing, or the panoply of made-up DSM nonsense.

    We already have enough crap from “mental health parity” that sends taxpayer and insurance money into all kinds of bogus private rehabs and “treatment” ideas.

    “Mental health” in the population has been going downhill steadily since the advent of the “profession” of applied psychology and the drug-pushing expermentation of psychiatry. Perhaps some cultural changes are in order.

  4. Start the evaluations with the bumper crop of crazies lined up on the democrat debate stage. That should have the program extremely busy well into the presidents second term.

  5. How do you fix an entire generation of millennials, that believe they should get every thing free? 30 years old still living with mommy and daddy or grandparents, because it’s just to much work to get out of bed and go to a job.
    Homeless – although there are mentally ill among the homeless, most are there by choice. Again, just to much work to have a job.
    Crime – Easier to steal other peoples stuff than, you guessed it, go to work and have a job.
    Socialism is the opposite of Capitalism. The middle class with money drives Capitalism. The middle class without money, makes them dependent on welfare.

    Want to see what Socialism looks like look at Hollywood, where a few make $5M a year and everybody else makes minimum.

  6. Character is what matters. It used to be part of schooling, and parenting. But then came the likes of the obama’s and his ‘sons.’ Then rap. Then came prog teachers. And so on.


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