South African Farmer Describes Family’s Torture – IOTW Report

South African Farmer Describes Family’s Torture

Rebel Media: “I think it was adrenaline that lifted him up.”

“I think he heard the gunshot, heard his grandkids screaming, and everything that was left of him rallied for one last push. He went to the kitchen, he must have tried to grab a blanket or a towel to stop the blood, then he came to the garage to untie me and my wife.

“I felt his blood dripping on my palms as I lay face-down on the garage floor, my hands and feet tied with wire. I could feel his blood running into my palms like a tap and it felt cold, refrigerator-cold, and I knew it wasn’t good.”

Bernard’s dad untied his son, his daughter-in-law and his own wife – all bound hand and foot in the garage. Then he went to sit on the stoop outside the house.

It was the last thing he ever did.

“I told him to hold on. I told him we had new projects on the farm. I told him to hold on because we still had a lot to do.”

Ten minutes later Bernard’s father was dead.

Bernard and his father had come home from church earlier that Sunday to start the braai (fire pit) for a family meal together later that day. His wife, mother and three children were following along behind in a separate car.

They arrived home as normal, past the wires fencing off their farm, through the electric gates protecting their home, past the cameras that watch his house at night.  MORE

15 Comments on South African Farmer Describes Family’s Torture

  1. This is pure evil. The stories coming out of South Africa are more than disturbing. These killers are showing up on these farms with very expensive RF jamming gear so no cell phone signal can get out. Meaning it’s Government sponsored. If there were ever a job for some retire Seals this is it. Kill them all and let God sort them out.

  2. Lauren Southern from The Rebel does a video expose on her YouTube channel here:

    White genocide in South Africa is coming. Cyril Ramaphosa is the new Leader of the African National Congress who already is saying that he will pursue a policy of “radical economic transformation” that will
    speed up expropriation of land without compensation.

    Interesting how Zimbabwe is trying to woo white farms back after starving its people for years.

    The descendants of the Boer are not going to go down without a fight. I don’t think, even in the face of genocide, that Justin Trudeau is going to intervene or let them in as refugees. (Don’t see the Netherlands or the UK lending a hand either.) Here in USA, the Left and the Congressional Black Caucus will scream to high heaven about white supremacy. This leaves Australia and New Zealand as the only outlets for a mass exodus.

  3. And yet no one mentions that the government is communist, that Nelson Mandela was in prison because he was a communist who tried to overthrow a legitimate government, that the Clintons are partially responsible for Mandela and the ANC installation.
    Does anyone remember when Bastardly Bill and Haglady Hillary stood on stage with Mandela and celebrated his life (of communism, terrorism, & killing)?

  4. There is a problem among a lot of whites in SA. I just spent several days with a bunch of guys that are in the same business as I am, and one is a guy from SA. He thinks it’s overblown, not as big a deal as some make it out to be. How the hell do I know, I’m just not going there, I do know that.

  5. There are some here in the black community that say this is why open borders and mas immigration by non-whites is needed – in order to tip to a majority that can take the fight to white America and destroy and redistribute ill gotten wealth.

    It is what was behind obammer and his ilk. And the DNC is like the lambs to the meat market meekly.

  6. Mandela’s wife was a big fan of necklacing.
    Put a tire around someone’s neck. Fill it with gasoline and light it on fire.
    The fact that these evil people can think up such horrible things is beyond disturbing.

  7. Here’s an idea. We have a LOT of disgruntled blacks in this country who hate America. There are a lot of whites in South Africa facing genocide. Let’s just trade them! We could repopulate Chicago, Newark, Philly, and Atlanta with industrious, freedom-loving, law abiding people who are grateful to be here, and likely to vote republican for 100 yers. It’s a win-win!

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