South Africans Have Finally Had Enough of the ANC – IOTW Report

South Africans Have Finally Had Enough of the ANC


Official results from South Africa’s election were expected to confirm on Sunday the end of the African National Congress’ 30 years of majority governing and start the clock on a race to form a new ruling coalition.

Voters, angry at joblessness, inequality and power shortages, slashed support for the ANC – the former liberation movement of the late Nelson Mandela – to 40% in Wednesday’s election, down from 57.5% in the 2019 parliamentary vote. More

11 Comments on South Africans Have Finally Had Enough of the ANC

  1. Look at this, and other garden spots like Haiti and Rwanda and Angola for examples of the true Wakanda that forms when all the Whiteys are cut out and murdered and the “Black Liberation Movement” takes over.

  2. Corruption is a nearly irresistible temptation the world round.

    South Africa has had 30 years of single party rule, and the extent of societal breakdown bears witness to the result.

  3. One party rule always results in corruption and decay. Only rarely insistent, educated and able people can maintain any kind of government beyond the one party state. We did it in the USA when we ran as a fully white dominated society, which is why the democrats insisted on mass immigration from colored majority places.

    Colored people are not intellectually or morally capable of sophisticated multi party governing systems. They can put up simulacrums but they can’t maintain the actual item. Where coloreds become an influential minority in an otherwise white run political system the system is damaged to that extent plus those opportunistic whites who seek unlimited dominance (see democrat party, 1965-2024). There is no return from this disintegration. The South Africans will never return to white rule so will never break free of the primitive native African understanding of government.

  4. interesting the da party rule in Johannesburg has suffered the least infrastructure and societal failures. sounds like the years of remaining poor and on welfare under the anc has changed the minds of some black voters. we have regular pge power outages here in norcal. i joke with the neighbors we move to mexico, at least we give them money and the lights stay on. ring of truth when people want stability and civility in their lives.

  5. Marooned
    SUNDAY, 2 JUNE 2024, 12:02 AT 12:02 PM
    “I clicked the linkie. The picture at the top of the linked article shows a diverse group of negroes.”

    …minorites only get representation, set-asides, advantages, and special protections when the minorites are not White.

    White minorities get nothing but abuse, official theft, rape, and genocide.

    See future America for further details.

  6. Was there for a while in the mid 90’s. Loved the place. I remember reading that one morning, at shift change, two police lieutenants began arguing over who got to use the one available police vehicle. One pulled out his service weapon and shot & killed the other. Guess what color they were.

  7. Do not celebrate just yet. One of the parties which the ANC is contemplating a coalition government is a party which advocate killing all white people.
    I live in the province of Saskatchewan (above Montana and North Dakota) in Canada. Over 20 years there was a large number of white professionals who immigrated from South Africa. Doctors and computer IT people primarily. Saskatchewan has a very strong mining sector of its economy so many managers of mines also came to this province. We are the winners with this diaspora. I have also read that Russia was actively recruiting white farmers to immigrate – this was about 10-15 years ago. I do not know if that is still a “thing”.


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