South Africa’s Silent Slaughter – IOTW Report

South Africa’s Silent Slaughter

The seizing of white owned farms has begun. Reader Tom sent in this video, and it’s chilling.

South Africa begins seizing white-owned farms

THE South African government has begun the process of seizing land from white farmers.

Local newspaper City Press reports two game farms in the northern province of Limpopo are the first to be targeted for unilateral seizure after negotiations with the owners to purchase the properties stalled.

While the government says it intends to pay, owners Akkerland Boerdery wanted 200 million rand ($18.7 million) for the land — they’re being offered just 20 million rand ($1.87 million).

“Notice is hereby given that a terrain inspection will be held on the farms on April 5, 2018 at 10am in order to conduct an audit of the assets and a handover of the farm’s keys to the state,” a letter sent to the owners earlier this year said.

Akkerland Boerdery obtained an urgent injunction to prevent eviction until a court had ruled on the issue, but the Department of Rural Development and Land Affairs is opposing the application.

“What makes the Akkerland case unique is that they apparently were not given the opportunity to first dispute the claim in court, as the law requires,” AgriSA union spokeswoman Annelize Crosby told the paper.


26 Comments on South Africa’s Silent Slaughter

  1. This is what the left would like to do in the US. I had a South African friend (white) who died a few yrs back. He came to the US just prior to 9/11. He used to tell me South Africa was so much better for everyone during Apartheid. Being born and brainwashed here in America I was taught Apartheid was evil and wrong, and was surprised at what he told me. But he was right.

  2. Not a damn thing in main stream media about this. Nor on Fox or Rush. Were it not for the internet most of the world would not know. The world celebrated when apartheid ended. I figured this was coming. Desmond Tutu’s wife was a murderous POS. Her group put tires around the necks of chained men, filled them with gasoline and lit it. That whipped everyone into line. Now that shit hole is the rape capital of the world. The country will be a socialist wreck soon. Sheesh.

  3. I just can’t imagine why they are still there. I understand, many were born there. But the handwriting has been on the wall for a long time. I know several South African expats, and they all left at least 15 years ago. It has to be a refusal to acknowledge the obvious.

  4. Even if they paid for the farm, what’s the guarantee they could keep the cash? They could seize it as they left town or take it from the bank. They plan on killing them anyway, I’m sure.

    Maybe WWIII will start in South Africa.

  5. Start the ‘backlash now’! Time to tell the black (and their white leftist enablers) race baiters and haters that their unchallenged days of yelling ‘Racism’ in a crowded theater are up!

  6. I mentioned this once before in here, but Johannesburg – when I was there 10 years ago – was a hell hole. From the distance it looked like a beautiful, modern city, but up close and personal it was very third world! I’m sure it hasn’t improved in the last 10 years.

  7. Where is the MSM? Oh, no nothing to see here. Trump is the dictator, the racist, the . . . fill in the blank. SMH I may just get back on FB to get banned. Wish me luck. Ha!

  8. I have a good friend, born and raised in SA, whose parents sent her and her two siblings to the US when they were really young. Early teens. They had a farm outside of Johannesburg. As soon as apartheid ended, things began to get dicey. Poachers and squatters on their land, car jacking, etc. This was prior to turning the government over to Mandela. The problem with selling and getting out, LCD, is that they were not allowed to take their money with them. The government permitted only very small amounts of money, per person, to leave the country. Otherwise, they would have had a massive loss of capital and crashed the economy. This is heartbreaking.

  9. Indimex

    I’ve heard the exact same thing. Bottom line if you are white they will kill you, probably slowly. White Land owners can’t fly out, their money is captured. Is the world going to stand by and watch this happen?

  10. I don’t know the absolute outside edge indicators, BB. May well be a white farmer defying a small crowd that’s there for the goodies which will net a good-size mob to be sure said farmer gets the message. At that point, I expect the thing to unravel post-haste.

    “They’ll chop down the orchards for their cooking fires, barbecue the dairy cows, then come to us holding out the begging bowl.-commenter Monty at American Digest.

  11. RosalindJ, The asshole aren’t that good. poorly trained. Don’t think all that well.The first white family that gets murders will be a call to arms. I’m ready to go myself. Something to do. I’m bored.

  12. There’ll be little mention of it around the world. It’s the left’s idea of justice and they control the medium.
    It’s been happening there for years, now it’s the final push. The animals have control and all with the help of white traitors.


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