South Carolina Dem Lawmaker Sums Up the Left’s Stance On 2A – IOTW Report

South Carolina Dem Lawmaker Sums Up the Left’s Stance On 2A

“Everybody wants the right to carry a gun and that’s dangerous in a free society. We should not allow that.” – Rep. Wendell Gilliard (D-SC)

It sounds like a line from a Mel Brooks movie, but this guy is absolutely serious.


A mind like steel crap

We’ve elected leaders that are ignorant of the bedrock foundation of this country- the constitution.

8 Comments on South Carolina Dem Lawmaker Sums Up the Left’s Stance On 2A

  1. “We’ve elected leaders that are ignorant of the bedrock foundation of this country- the constitution.”

    That’s exactly whats going on in California. We have a shitload of second generation Hispanic American Citizens that do not understand or recognize American Heritage. (A couple Asians Too). And they could careless. Very one dimensional thinkers. Gun=Bad.

  2. I’ll bet you that NIGGA got shot at while in the committing a burglary of a residence! I’d say FUCK HIM….Run his prints and DNA just to see what he may be outstanding for!

  3. Typical black Democrat, spouting the typical Democrat half-truths written by someone else.

    Well, when it comes to having someone speak for me, I’ll pick this lady:

    And I’m still trying to find the quote and its’ author, but it goes generally like this: “If know a politician’s position on the owning and carrying of weapons by citizens, you can pretty much predict their position on everything else.

  4. Politicians are not leaders.

    Mostly corrupt self-serving crony socialists, rent seekers, social justice lunatics, useful idiots, thieves, pimps and whores. Not leaders.

  5. Well, their gun and ammo confiscation plans haven’t gone so well (yet), so the left’s strategy now is to go after the right of self defense overall. Did you notice how when their Zimmerman show trial went bad, Holder was suddenly calling for repeal of “stand your ground” laws? The Trayvon Martin case had nothing to do with Stand Your Ground. It was simple self defense once Trayvon landed the first punch. Bernie Goetz was a Stand Your Ground case, they never laid a finger on him, although they admitted they were going to.

    The gun grabbers try to debunk the Presidents call for UK style gun confiscation by pointing out that in England guns are still lawful to own (with onerous restrictions). But citizens cannot BEAR their guns in self defense, even in their own homes. If a woman shoots a rapist in her bedroom at 1:00 AM, she’ll go to prison because her gun and ammunition weren’t locked in separate safes.

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