South Carolina man accused of wanting child ‘sex slave,’ writing about cannibalism ‘passions’ given probation – IOTW Report

South Carolina man accused of wanting child ‘sex slave,’ writing about cannibalism ‘passions’ given probation

He’s accused of writing about wanting to do depraved acts? Why didn’t he just say he was working on a Hollywood movie script? Also, if he put “comedian” in his profile he could have just tweeted his writing. He’d get a blue check mark.


According to arrest warrants, Bensing, of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, wanted to turn a minor into a “full-time baby maker and sex slave” as well as other depraved acts. Authorities also said he expressed his “passions for cannibalism and bestiality.”

He had been arrested in Greenville County – on the opposite side of the state from his listed address – in February along with dozens of others in a trafficking sting called “Operation Millstone,” a reference to the New Testament book of Matthew.

“If anyone causes one of these little ones — those who believe in me — to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea,” the verse reads.

Bensing, who has been diagnosed with autism, is considered to be low risk, according to sentencing records obtained by The Greenville News. If Bensing violates his probation, however, he could end up serving the 10-year prison sentence.

The 36-year-old had already been released from prison in February after he posted a $20,000 bond.

Authorities said Bensing used the name “Rebel Deese” in online chatrooms where he described his sexual fetishes and discussed cannibalism.

James Brehm, Bensing’s attorney, told The Greenville News his client was only joking about the cannibalism.

“That didn’t have anything to do with this. It was just like you and I talking trash and texting and six months later, someone gets a hold of your phone and tie it to what he’s charged with,” Brehm told the newspaper.


Notice his lawyer said he was joking about the cannibalism. The other stuff? I guess he wasn’t joking.

ht/ fdr in hell

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