South Korea Threatens To Turn Nork’s Capital “To Ashes” – IOTW Report

South Korea Threatens To Turn Nork’s Capital “To Ashes”

In what appears to be a unilateral declaration independent of Obama’s White House, a South Korean military official has stated that they are ready to launch ballistic rockets and artillery rounds at Pyongyang if the North Koreans ever gave any indication of an intention to use a nuclear weapon against their neighbor. 

The bold statement comes after North Korea lit off its 5th nuclear bomb test on Friday that was by all indications a rousing success for the totalitarian regime.




9 Comments on South Korea Threatens To Turn Nork’s Capital “To Ashes”

  1. Wow, amazing how the rest of the world tells Hussein to go fuck himself. Real nice legacy to install in history, Barky! He is a miserable failure at everything he has done or will do, except lay on his back and act like a woman. How the gays can take pride in him is beyond description, even comprehension. Of course being “good little dhimos” means they are after what he hands out to them, with stardust in their eyes. Gay marriage, gratz…now meet gay divorce. Love your unicorns? they are NOT real.

  2. This is what happens when the Free World is “Fundamentally Transformed” by a spineless, lying, thoroughly corrupt, inept, incompetent, vactioning, golfing, partying, spending, vindictive, arugula-eating, bottled-water-drinking, self-absorbed, disingenuous, Politically Correct, Gay obsessed, whining, finger-pointing, divisive, Bush-blaming, healthcare-destroying, economy-wrecking, America-hating, racist, Jihad-coddling, phoney-baloney plastic banana P.O.S. Communist-Organizing Manchurian Doorknob!

  3. South Korea should make sure they nuke NOKO during the day, since Rorry Porry’s country that has big bag missiles, doesn’t have electricity at night for it’s people.

    We wouldn’t want them to NOT see what’s coming.

  4. Koreans are tough sons of bitches and the s Koreans have been eating good-they will kick the Norks’ asses. Quick.

    Throw in the 40,000 US troops there and it’ll be a blood bath. But it’ll be a fast one.

  5. @conrad: No Samuel Colt, that Leo. It only works as an equalizer if everybody has a Colt. ROK ain’t got no “Colt”. They’d have to borrow from us and as we all know, that ain’t hapnin’ under the current regime.

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