Southern Border Reaches Northern Minnesota – IOTW Report

Southern Border Reaches Northern Minnesota


At least 11 illegal alien men are accused of having been involved in a house of horrors in the small town of Bemidji, Minnesota, where at least three young girls were drugged, tied up, and gang raped, according to local law enforcement. More

8 Comments on Southern Border Reaches Northern Minnesota

  1. Catch ’em, cauterize their dicks off, mark their faces with indelible blue paint/ink, turn ’em loose, and put out a public notice over all media, free hunting, no license, no season, no bag limit.

  2. Diversity is our strength says biden.
    As Joe said, before long white anglo-saxon/European descendants will be a minority in the US. (He said Proudly).

    Every Rapist should be shot.

  3. Just read the news on any given day and it’s easy to see how less safe we are now than 6 years ago. If the Tranis don’t kill you the militant blacks will. And if they don’t the illegals will. This is all by design. George Soros wet dream.

  4. Funny how if you invite rats into the house, everything turns to shit, isn’t it?
    Minnesota – home of Ilhan Omar and Amy Klobuchar – two bellwethers of decay.
    Apparently, Minnesota chooses to be a third-world shithole – willing to sacrifice their sons and daughters to criminally psychotic barbarians.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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