Southern Command Security Official — “We Need Trump’s Wall” – IOTW Report

Southern Command Security Official — “We Need Trump’s Wall”


“In 2015, we saw a total of 331,000 migrants enter the southwestern border between the U.S. and Mexico, of that we estimate more than 30,000 of those were from countries of terrorist concern,” she said.

Another problem in dealing with migrants from the Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia is a lack of information among the governments of the countries used by potential terrorists for transit.

The exploitation of alien smuggling networks by terrorists until recently had been dismissed by both American security officials and private security experts as largely an urban myth.

However, the Southcom intelligence report revealed that the threat of Islamist terror infiltration is no longer theoretical. “This makes the case for Trump’s wall,” said one American security official of the Southcom report. “These guys are doing whatever they want to get in the country.”

Adm. Kurt Tidd, Southcom’s commander, said last week that the lack of information is hampering security efforts against alien smuggling.

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper testified during a Senate hearing in February that Islamic State terrorists would try to infiltrate the United State posing as immigrants.

“That’s one technique they’ve used is taking advantage of the torrent of migrants to insert operatives into that flow,” Clapper said. “As well, they also have available to them—and are pretty skilled at phony passports so they can travel ostensibly as legitimate travelers as well.”


ht/ nm

4 Comments on Southern Command Security Official — “We Need Trump’s Wall”

  1. To quote Gen. Patton “Fixed fortifications are monuments to the stupidity of man!” The same can be accomplished with some rows of Concertina Wire with mine fields in between and guard towers with interlocking fields of fire from machine guns. Then give the guards shoot to kill orders, take NO prisoners.

  2. The exploitation of alien smuggling networks by terrorists until recently had been dismissed by both American security officials and private security experts as largely an urban myth.

    It’s always amusing when people warn these fools about the potential for something to occur, and point out the need for proactive action.

    The fools then mock the people giving the warning, because the warning is about things that have not yet happened, and thus is incomprehensible to the fools.

    Then the things happen, and the fools look for someone else to blame for their stupidity and incompetence.

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