Southern Conservatives in Poverty Just Don’t Know How To Pull the Lever For the Free Food Pellet – IOTW Report

Southern Conservatives in Poverty Just Don’t Know How To Pull the Lever For the Free Food Pellet

The left is blaming conservative southern “victims of poverty” on their inability to embrace the progressive way.

And blacks, who’ve been voting for democrats for generations, are now highly successful as a demographic and in the upper strata, right?

But that’s not my only problem with this graphic below. Even if you stipulate that the premise is correct, what’s wrong with a poor southern conservative being selfless enough to vote for lower taxes, less entitlements and smaller government?

It comes down to the old progressive plaintive wail, “you’re voting against your own interests, man.”

In other words, “don’t you see, if we all vote for more entitlements and welfare we’d be in a Utopia, man.”

Idiots. All.

See graphic after the jump —->


16 Comments on Southern Conservatives in Poverty Just Don’t Know How To Pull the Lever For the Free Food Pellet

  1. Don’t judge me ! The leftist will yell while pointing and laughing at this guy.

    I wouldn’t choose to live that way, but it is all about Individual liberty to me. As long as I don’t have to pay for it, have at it. And maybe that’s where these so-called Poor Southern Conservatives are coming from. Just want to be left alone without a bunch of know-nothing Estrogents telling them how to live.

  2. Just go to Pennsylvania, W Virginia, etc and you’ll see plenty of worthless Federal Tit-sucking White democRats living comfortably on all kinds of assistance too, but you won’t see the violence and murder rates thru the roof either! As far as “Poor Southern Conservatives” go they may not have money, but they do have morals!

  3. They’re all right. They just don’t have a lot of style. If had to choose between a broke-assed good ole boy and DaShawn as my Valentine, guess which way I’d roll?

  4. I have some input here. It’s a long story, so I’ll rush through the important points:
    – Wife left family in 1988, and I became an unsupported minimum wage earning single parent with two children.
    – I applied for daycare help, but was advised there were “No Resources Available” for me. The state told me to quit my job and go on welfare.
    – Realizing that even a minimum wage job would eventually lead to something better, while welfare offered me the opportunity to live in poverty forever, I refused.
    – An ironic point – As I worked and did the best I could to see my kids were cared for, the taxes I paid to support welfare programs actually provide welfare mothers, who sit at home and do nothing all day, with DAYCARE! So, while I was paying for it, I couldn’t benefit from it.
    – I have no regrets. Sure there were hard times, but we worked through them with the help of many friends, some of whom I don’t even know who they were.
    – While I have never gone above “blue-collar” working status, my oldest works in software development, and my youngest works in the accounting field. Both earn more than I do today.

    Liberals can just go ahead and suck the sour milk from the government teat. I’ll have none of it.

  5. I wish we had been voting Republican for generations in the South. I still have a hard time convincing my grandparents and older aunts and uncles not to vote Democrat. Voting for Republcans in the South is a relatively new thing. This goes to show how little whoever it was that made this meme actually understands the South or Republicans.

  6. You should see a picture of my neighbor’s house and property. He’s the only democrat union loving person in an otherwise mostly all conservative area. It’s an older part of town, large old trees that he cut all of them down on his property because he didn’t like picking up leaves and bitches at me about my trees blowing leaves in his yard. 4 Chevrolet vehicles that sound and smell like there is no way they could pass any pollution test, and a driveway that’s half-covered in garbage; his scrap pile that hasn’t gone down in size for over 10 years. While he bitches half the summer being laid off because union. And when he doesn’t agree with something he will go around the neighborhood playing the victim card with his F– this and F– that mouth in front of the kids. When he moved here 13 years ago he was so happy to be in what he called “our upscale neighborhood” away from the south side of Chicago. Well our neighborhood is going to pot because of one house, that he has painted over the years (no shit) Relish, then Mustard, and now Ketchup colored. While it’s Ketchup colored right now, there is still plenty of mustard and relish color over painted on the vinyl siding and downspouts. it’s a complete eye sore.

  7. “Selfless enough to vote for lower taxes”, etc. – actually that’s not selfless – it’s acting in one’s own ‘rational self interest’, because in the end lower taxes create prosperity for all.
    But socialist propaganda is not designed to appeal to the rational – it panders to to the knee-jerk emotions of ‘useful idiots’ conditioned to depend on government to look after their interests.

  8. Liberals tend to live in large metro areas where the cost of living is way beyond their skill set so they become dependent on entitlements to get by. That doesn’t mean they couldn’t try harder to improve themselves but they already tossed self esteem out the window decades ago.

  9. Roughly 47% of the country is living in (or near) poverty (financial, not necessarily spiritual) because of the financial and regulatory depredations and usurpations of the past 25 years, or more. Many of those will vote for the hard socialism of BS and HRC but many more will vote for the soft socialism of the RINOs, CHEB!, Kasich,

    Both approaches are anathematic to our Constitution.
    Both approaches are un-American.
    Both approaches lead to despair and destruction.
    The first leads quickly to chaos, the second, slowly, to a European- type managed decline and disintegration.

    There exists a third way – of light … and liberty … and much struggle.
    I fear that most Americans don’t have the stomach for it.

    (but then, I don’t know most Americans, so I could be wrong)

  10. He’s not poor, he’s living like a king! Got his own home, land, nice weather where he can go shirtless, freedom to toss his cans on the ground. I bet a lot of people don’t have such a good life.
    I have seen this same graphic but reversed, showing a Northern city hell hole and changing the word “Republican ” to ” Democrats”. I think this is a parody of that one.

  11. Much, if not most of the world lives in poverty. We don’t. Take this fellow, for example – he has shelter, he has clothing, and he is holding a beer. His house, while not a mansion, probably has clean running water, electricity, and heat. My guess is that like most Americans, he has a car, at least one television, and a refrigerator with food in it.

    At one point in my life, I went for the so-called American dream. We had a nice home in a nice community, which I used only to sleep in. I had a nice car I used to drive to the office and back. I had the perks and the trappings, and the more I had, the more hours I had to put in. The more assets I had, the more I worried.

    Then we had a family medical situation, and all of sudden priorities changed. I had to be a familiy man, and discovered that this was more fulfilling than what I had been doing. Eventually, we recovered to the point where we had enough stuff, and just enough is just right. And compared to the rest of the world, I still live very, very well.

    With his wealth distribution, Sanders and Clinton are preying on plain old fashioned greed – look what Trump has, and if we take it and give it to you, you will be happier. From someone who has been up, then down, and now somehwere in between, I can guarantee that you won’t be happier, and it is likely you will be less content. So take your shirt off, grab a beer, and live your life as you chose.

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