Southern Poverty Law Center Faces Federal Tax Complaint – IOTW Report

Southern Poverty Law Center Faces Federal Tax Complaint

LifeZette: The Southern Poverty Law Center, a longtime liberal anti-racism group, will face a federal complaint Wednesday from the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR). The complaint will allege that the organization openly and repeatedly violated its nonprofit tax status nearly 50 times during the 2016 presidential election.

The complaint to the Treasury Department, provided first to LifeZette on Tuesday, accuses the center of participating in communication activities prohibited by the IRS in a “flagrant, continued, and intentional campaign” targeting then-presidential candidate Donald Trump and other Republican candidates.

The Southern Poverty Law Center was founded in 1971 and is based in Montgomery, Alabama. It is a nonprofit, non-partisan 501(c)(3) corporation. That charitable status allows the center to take certain tax exemptions, but certain types of political behavior could jeopardize that status.

Once an aggressive legal organization that took down racist laws and sued racist organizations, the Southern Poverty Law Center saw less opportunity as racism waned through the decades. And it had its own problems.

By 1994, the Montgomery (Ala.) Advertiser published an eight-part series that reported the center had few if any African-Americans as managerial employees, and that the center exaggerated the threats from racist groups to raise money.  read more

10 Comments on Southern Poverty Law Center Faces Federal Tax Complaint

  1. I would recommend an investigation of their expenditures for the past 10 years. If abuse has occurred as alleged, fine them for each infraction and revoke their nonprofit, non-partisan 501(c)(3) corporation.

  2. Another communist front group, like the ACLU, that has done nothing but advance the agenda of totalitarianism.
    Yes, a hate group. Yes, a fifth column. Yes, organized treason.
    But we (the Americans) refuse to hang them because their name sounds like something benign, even helpful, maybe, to “dem po nigras” waaaayy down south in Alabama … you know, in the cotton fields …

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Amazing how many organizations of all sorts end up chasing the almighty dollar above any sense of morality. Whether government, private business, or even a ‘nonprofit’ organization which nevertheless pays peoples’ salaries.

  4. Leftist subversive front group.
    Unleash the weaponized IRS and DoJ.
    Seize all assets. Imprison the tax cheats.

    Use SPLC as a dry run for going after Soros.

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