Seattle’s Gay Mayor Accused of Raping Teen Boys – IOTW Report

Seattle’s Gay Mayor Accused of Raping Teen Boys


The gay mayor of Seattle, a democrat, has been accused of rape and molestation of underaged boys.

Read more:

ht/ illustr8r

31 Comments on Seattle’s Gay Mayor Accused of Raping Teen Boys

  1. Seattle is so screwed up I can’t believe it. How in the heck this guy was elected in the first place is mind boggling, and I think this is an election year for the mayor. He was expected to be re-elected without much problem, maybe this will change things but if he has to bow out you will the socialist city council member Sawant make a run and probably win.

  2. His political capital is used up. This is about clearing the table for a Kshama Sawant run for Mayor. If it were not the King County Democrat, with their allies in the media, would have suppressed this just as they did the two other credible accusations against this degenerate in 2008.

  3. “Not that there’s anything wrong with that.”

    Satan walks on cat’s paws.
    They should have elected a “moderate” pervert rather than a “radical” pervert.

    Does it not strike anyone as kinda weird?

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. We are told that most child molesters were molested when they were children. We also know than many homosexuals were sexualized as children by a male adult. But try to make a link between homosexuality and child molesting and you are immediately branded a homophobe.

  5. And…and…and the FAKE NEWS site The Seattle Times has deactivated the comments feature below this article. Of course they have, whenever one of their sacred cows is in the news this is how the bastards roll.

    Safe Seattle Facebook page is where people know to go to comment whenever the proglodytes pull this crap.

  6. Truffles, the San Andreas fault would not really have a direct effect on Seattle. You would be hoping for the Cascadia Fault or the Cascadia Subduction Zone if you are hoping for destruction of Seattle.

  7. Democrat Party Chairman Perez: “Next! What are your qualifications?”
    Seattle Democrat Mayor Ed Murray: “Rape, murder, arson and rape (of little boys).”
    Democrat Perez: “But you said ‘rape’ twice?”
    Democrat Ed Murray: “I LIKE RAPE!”
    Democrat Schumer: “(guffaw) He’ll do!”
    Democrat Perez: “Next!”

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