Southern Poverty Law Center has a “Hate Tracker” App For “Far-Right” Twitter Users – #GoodFriday Was On It – IOTW Report

Southern Poverty Law Center has a “Hate Tracker” App For “Far-Right” Twitter Users – #GoodFriday Was On It

Hot Salsa sent this in and it’s stunning-


The Hate Tracker detects trends in a community of far-right Twitter users identified and reviewed by SPLC analysts. This view shows what the far-right is talking about at daily intervals. Pick the start and end point to view a hashtag’s popularity over time. Activity is ranked by distance from the mean using a z-score.


On their radar are these HATE-FILLED FAR RIGHT WING hashtags –





Isn’t it hateful to consider these hashtags hateful?

20 Comments on Southern Poverty Law Center has a “Hate Tracker” App For “Far-Right” Twitter Users – #GoodFriday Was On It

  1. Why is SPLC, CAIR, Commie USA & the muslim brotherhood even allowed to exist in America? Since when was being subversive traitors okay under the law?

  2. Southern Poverty Hate Center is a money laundering fraud operation. They have hundreds of millions of dollars hidden off shore in foreign banks. Potok and Morris Ballsack make millions each year to spew the Soros hate memos. Anyone that ever appears on a show to debate them should open up by attacking and accusing them of how rich they are. One reason there is so much “Southern Poverty” is because these two shyster marxists have all the money.

  3. The FBI, before obama corrupted it, broke the power of the Klan. The SPLC bankrupting the Klan for inciting violence is such a double standard. Why aren’t all the moslem imams being sued into poverty?

  4. Ohhh the Southern Poverty Law Center? Yeah, they keep mentioning ‘hate’ wherever they go and they’re over-killing it. But guess what, the people who aren’t really paying attention to them will think SPLC is the hate group, because they seem to hate everything, don’t they? So if someone asks you about the splc, just tell them the splc is a hate group.

  5. Need to be eradicated along with CAIR M.B.
    ANTIFA OCCUPY & LA RAZA ! any group with
    evil Soreass slop on their face…
    Oh Yea forgot black lies don’t matter commies.


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