Soy Boy Antifa member gets shot in testicles by rubber bullet – IOTW Report

Soy Boy Antifa member gets shot in testicles by rubber bullet

ht/ c . steven tucker

42 Comments on Soy Boy Antifa member gets shot in testicles by rubber bullet

  1. …used to be great videos to go with this but they got copyright claimed, still a good song…

    “I love those funny video shows
    I just can’t get enough
    The cavalcade of concussions
    Boy that’s funny stuff
    They’re tripping in Poughkeepsie
    They’re slipping in Des Moines
    But the ones that win ten thousand bucks
    Are all trauma to the groin

    A trauma to the groin, boys, trauma to the groin
    Nothing’s quite as funny
    As a trauma to the groin
    There is no wit more pretty
    There is no joke divine
    Or limerick delicious as
    A trauma to the groin

    Now Jacob was a small boy
    In a Tee Ball league
    And his father stood behind him
    Coaching to succeed
    The boy he swung with all his might
    You should have seen Dad’s face
    When the bat connected
    ‘Tween first and second base

    Oh, a trauma to the groin, boys, trauma to the groin
    Nothing’s quite as funny
    As a trauma to the groin
    There is no wit more pretty
    There is no joke divine
    Or limerick delicious as
    A trauma to the groin

    We wanted to collect the check
    From those video fools
    So we taught our three year old
    The running headbutt to the jewels
    Too bad we left the lens cap on the camera by mistake
    ‘Cause grandpa weren’t too happy
    About the second take

    Oh, a trauma to the groin, boys, trauma to the groin
    Nothing’s quite as funny
    As a trauma to the groin
    There is no wit more pretty
    There is no joke divine
    Or limerick delicious as
    A trauma to the groin

    One day while in the garden, I stepped upon a rake
    The blow intense and accurate
    An impression it did make
    My children caught it all on tape
    Thought it was the funniest thing
    And I choked a curse out through my tears
    As they began to sing

    Oh, a trauma to the groin, boys, trauma to the groin
    Nothing’s quite as funny
    As a trauma to the groin
    There is no wit more pretty
    There is no joke divine
    Or limerick delicious as
    A trauma to the groin

    Well, I won the money
    Though I fail to see the joke
    Hey, each to his own, I guess
    And most of the dough, well don’t you know
    Paid the bill to the EMS
    So let us see a show of hands
    And let it be resolved
    That a trauma’s much more funny
    If your own groin’s not involved

    Oh, a trauma to the groin, boys, trauma to the boys
    Nothing’s quite as funny
    As a trauma to the groin
    There is no wit more pretty
    There is no joke divine
    Or limerick delicious as
    A trauma to the groin”

    -Heywood Banks, “Trauma to the Groin”

  2. WDS
    SEPTEMBER 14, 2020 AT 12:52 PM
    “The screams of “Medic” make it even funnier, admit it.”

    …well, Antifa “medics” probably ARE great ball-lickers, because they’re SURE as hell not good for anything ELSE…

  3. Can anyone tell me if this happened in Lincoln, NE because my co-worker claims it happened to her son in Lincoln about 3 – 4 weeks ago? She said her son ‘would do it all over again’ because he believes he is ‘making history’….ironic that odds are a little lower with one testicle.

  4. They need to blast them with good old fashioned fire hoses and sweep them from the street. Reduces arson and Molotov cocktail issues, too. First shower in weeks for many of the protestors, so it is a hygienic service.

    Of course, if they want to take away non-lethal tools, I say when the first rock, frozen water bottle, or Molotov cocktail is thrown, which can all be lethal, then it is time for volley fire with live ammo.

  5. Braden Lynch SEPTEMBER 14, 2020 AT 2:00 PM
    “They need to blast them with good old fashioned fire hoses and sweep them from the street. Reduces arson and Molotov cocktail issues, too. First shower in weeks for many of the protestors, so it is a hygienic service.”

    …I’ve spoken to this many times so I won’t go over it all, but the short version is that fire trucks are too unwieldy and too tied in to use for crowd control applications, plus the media would actually LOVE to get more of THIS to use since they’ve beaten Fire Departments over the head with this for the last 70 years,

    PLUS fire trucks are needed for, you know, FIRES, PLUS it would only make it so firetrucks and ambulances would get attacked like police cars and police officers do, but they are less equipped and trained to deal with it, PLUS people who actually NEED ambulances and firefighers would not call if they were officially “rayyciss”, PLUS the Birminham thing only “Worked” because the protesters were ACTUALLY peaceful and civilized AND the police were standing right there if they weren’t, PLUS it was Democrats that ordered those attacks anyway and if a Democrat does it it MUST be stupid, evil, or both, PLUS many attack lines have to be COMPLETELY removed to use them and can’t be replaced quickly and so would have to be cut to bug out, PLUS you can’t guard the hydrant OR the people while you’re doing all this, PLUS…

    …well, you get the idea. It’s not that easy to put a firetruck into service in the middle of a riot, ESPECIALLY one where the Police are completely, POLITICALLY paralyzed, and you’re DAMN sure not getting OUT quickly once you’re IN because they weren’t designed for rapid extraction because how fast to DRAW your gun can be important, but how fast you REHOLSTER it, isn’t.

    Anyway, the Police could VERY EASILY handle the issue THEMSELVES using time-tested techniques if the Democrats weren’t ORDERING them NOT to. This isn’t an EQUIPMENT problem, it’s a POLITICAL problem, and fire trucks don’t solve those any more than police cars do.

    …but if you INSIST, you need armored water cannons desinged for that SPECIFIC purpose that can run and gun AND protect their operator who never has to leave the cab.

    Something like this…

  6. This is Lancaster, PA. It’s a rural town, mostly supporting the Amish tourism industry. Where did all these rioters come from, and so fast?
    Oh, yeah…Bussed in from NYC, Philly, B’more.
    It’s obviously a well funded, coordinated effort.

  7. Hopefully it is TRIPLED in size right now…from the direct shot swelling…

    The thing is? The people trying to help him do NOT REALIZE all he wants to do? Is swirm around on the ground grasping his sack for dear life.

    NOT TEN PEOPLE TRYING TO PICK HIM UP. THAT is the last thing he wants!

    These idiots do not even know how to prepare themselves for a riot! Wear a ‘cup’ next time you asshole and you might have a better chance…and it helps a kick to the stones…


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