Soyboy Reporter’s Embarrassing Description of Shooting an AR-15 For the First Time- “It felt like a meteor had struck the earth…” – IOTW Report

Soyboy Reporter’s Embarrassing Description of Shooting an AR-15 For the First Time- “It felt like a meteor had struck the earth…”


When Twitchy reported this they included this video of a 7 year-old girl shooting AR-15 for the first time.

63 Comments on Soyboy Reporter’s Embarrassing Description of Shooting an AR-15 For the First Time- “It felt like a meteor had struck the earth…”



  2. “I’m not sure what scared me more — the power of that weapon or the fact that I could have taken one home that day.”

    Anti-gunners have no self control and don’t think it’s possible for anyone to have it. One goof I used to work with said if there was a gun sitting on the table next to him he feared he would pick it up and start shooting people. For no reason other than “no self control” (his own words), and that to him means no guns anywhere for anyone.

    Just like the author of this story fears his inability to control himself around the weapon.

    How these people drive a car around pedestrians or have knives in a kitchen drawer is a mystery.

  3. The anti-gun lefties keep writing articles like this to portray the ar-15 as some kind of “super gun” that must be banned. They’re usually filled with nonsense and lies.

  4. Wrong buffer &/or spring? If the gun cost $3,500 it may perhaps have an adjustable gas block. Probably does. Might be wide open?

    They are not hard to set up or tune. Or perhaps the guy is better suited for playing with Barbie dolls.

  5. I shoot a 300 WBY in a McMillan stock. I also shoot Ithaca Deer Slayers, usually with 3” Lightfields. Either of those would probably leave him in a puddle of tears. I also very, very rarely grip the fore-end on long guns. I rest them across my palm of my left hand with my thumb and fingers curled up. The only exception is my Ithaca 37 bird guns, which I grip quite lightly until I pump them. Any time you are pushing a long gun with your fore hand you are asking for trouble, any and all movement up, down, right or left should be done at your waist. And and all movement of the line of sight when shooting offhand should be only at your waist. Prone, sitting and kneeling in position shooting you adjust your position you don’t push the barrel anywhere with your forehand.

    If the firearm is properly shouldered your shoulders, neck and head should move to the rear with the scope. I get mashed every once in a while and it’s totally a result of improperly shouldering the arm.

  6. Let him try a 45/70 with LEVERevolution rounds some time. Hell, the recoil from a 30-06 would put him in the ER.
    Someone should tell the Phag they shoot .223 from pistols.

  7. Felt recoil of a .556 is around 8 pounds. A 30/06 is 20lbs. My hot loaded 45/70 is around 40 lbs and some of the big safari rifle bores like the nitros are over 100lbs. This guy is beyond a wimp a 5 year old could shoot a .556 AR.

  8. The first time I fired an AR-15 was surprised at how little recoil it had and how the sights on the particular Colt version could switch from small to larger aperture. I thought It was brilliant.

    I would love to see this guy try my 70 pound compound. I like the slightly heavier weight so no one else tries to use it. (remember most pussies can’t pull a 40#.)

  9. My Marlin 1895 Guide gun with warmed up 300 grain 45-70 handloads isn’t much fun to shoot, but it doesn’t make me cry like this soy boy. My Remington 870 with 3″ magnums has a fierce kick, but not compared to the 45-70.

  10. …well, if you want inaccurate and hyperbolic descriptions of what firing weapons are like, it’s been done before, and better, by MUCH more famous authors, here’s my fave…

    “The gun made a ripping sound like the opening of a zipper on the fly of God Almighty.”
    -Kurt Vonnegut, “Slaughterhouse Five”

    …top THAT, sissy man!

  11. Didn’t we get a similar story of the power, might, and awe of the AR15 some years back? Another soiboy presstitue from back east (NYSlime?). Name of Kunt? “He” had his 5 minutes of fame and 15 minutes of ridicule, then was never heard from again.

  12. “ He’s lying, if he actually fired it at all. End of story.”

    My thoughts as well. No one’s ever described the report of a 556 as Baroom. It’s a sharp crack..

  13. Underfed, underweight, sleep deprived and beat up boys shouldered millions of Enfields and Mosins. The guy missed the natural selection process and only survived recess.

  14. “It felt like a meteor had struck the earth in front of me. ”

    Come on, give the guy a break. I felt the same way when an 88mm mortar landed 30 yards away from my sandbagged hooch the first time. I didn’t whimper or whine, it did peak my adrenaline though. I found that you get used to it after a while.
    Yes, I suspect this soyboy never served his country, just himself and his deluded, misinformed liberal ideology.

  15. Didn’t we just see a negro guy shooting an AR-type rifle free hand at another negro guy in Detroit? Don’t recall any “blast front” from it, or did I miss that?
    No quaking of the street. No clouds of acrid gunpowder smoke (by the way, when did they start loading .223/5.56 with gunpowder?).

    izlamo delenda est …

  16. Who cares about the kick when you shoot it. What’s more important is what the bullet does after it exits the barrel.
    Did it hit the target?
    Did it pass through or fragment?
    Is the target still standing? Yes? Shoot again!

  17. His description was highly embellished and dramatized. He would be a little more secure with his video games.
    This reminds me of the world we live in, for young men are not taught to act like men. When to be violent and when to be kind and polite, when to hate and when to love and protect. Some of the blame lands square on the church.
    The Kingdom of heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force.
    The communist in power understand force and violence, do we?

  18. This may be the end result of letting women become reporters. Before, reporters seemed to be hard hitting, hard drinking, rough men who could dig up a story no matter how deeply buried. Now, being surrounded by women all the time and being told to “get in touch with their feelings” may have caused them to become incapable of being real, “let the chips fall where they may” reporters.

  19. …I hope this guy is representative of ALL lefties, because he REALLY isn’t going to be very useful to them as a warrior when we finally get around to returning fire…

  20. Ted Nougat
    AUGUST 6, 2021 AT 9:03 AM
    “Imagine what his reaction will be when he gets with a woman for the first time.”

    …I’ll take “Things This Guy Has No Interest In Or Ability With” for $800, Alex…

  21. I can’t stand men who use photos of themselves unshaven to promote a false “masculinity”. I often don’t shave, but that’s because I DON’T plan on going out in public or getting my picture taken. And if that happened by accident I WOULDN’T use the photo to promote myself. I’m confident in my masculinity so I don’t have to create a false impression in order to boost myself.

  22. His description is more along the lines what shooting a 50 BMG in an indoor range is like. Two lanes down from me, the ka-boom, shock wave was brutal! Good times.

  23. I verify what EXPLANIST has said. In the 70’s our Senior Drill instructor eliminated any fear of recoil by placing the butt against his pecker and letting rip with a full magazine. Impressive and effective way to show how little recoil the weapon has. (or what a freak he was)

  24. Gotta hunch that recoil he was talking about took place in his panties. Good gawd, even my young grandsons enjoy shooting a Marlin 45-70 a time or two. If their grades are good enough they get all the range time they want with AR-15s.

  25. I have only one issue with indoor shooting ranges. There are not enough of them. An entrepreneur with oodles of cash could start a nationwide franchise. Offer a burger and fries special for afterwards. “Mc DoubleStack’s” (sound effect of magazine being slapped into receiver)

  26. Try again, the last try at comment didn’t post.

    President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight AUGUST 6, 2021 AT 10:05 AM

    Knew I had seen something like this back when…

    Want to really get his attention? Give him one of the “Big Boy Revolvers” that peel the skin on your palms and put a dent in your forehead.

  27. “a $3500 rifle” Negro please, a fool and his money are soon parted.
    “a high-powered”, Negro please, .223, you know that’s just a .22, right?
    “It felt like a meteor had struck the earth in front of me. ”
    “I’m not sure what scared me more — the power of that weapon or the fact that I could have taken one home that day.”
    ROFLMFAO, come on guys. This fiction is obviously an entrance to this contest.
    It was a dark and stormy night; the rain fell in torrents — except at occasional intervals, when it was checked by a violent gust of wind which swept up the streets (for it is in London that our scene lies), rattling along the housetops, and fiercely agitating the scanty flame of the lamps that struggled against the darkness.
    Edward Bulwer-Lytton

  28. A big adrenaline rush for me was blowing up a couple of Claymore’s and an NVA soldier who made the mistake of positioning himself right in front of them. BLAM BLAM. I heard his death rattle and the next day I went back out to the jungle to bury his communist ass.

    But as I buried him, I said “Nothing personal, mister, just doing my job”.

    And in BT, firing the 7.62 M-14 was a kick.

  29. Chuck O nailed it. The worst recoil I ever felt has always been when shooting slugs out of my Mossberg 500. Even with a slug bbl and muzzle brake the damn thing punches hard.

    The soyboy can’t handle muzzle blast which is NOT the same as recoil. The AR carbine platform has more perceived muzzle blast because the barrel length is the bare minimum. If he’s afraid of muzzle blast he’d piss his pants if he fired a 7mmag with an adjustable muzzle brake. I used to have a Savage 110 that had an on/off muzzle brake. It was great fun to shoot it at the local range. At first I’d shoot it with the brake off til my shoulder got sore. Then I’d switch the brake to ON. BOOM!! The other shooters would stop what they were doing , saying WTF? whilst dust and leaves would rain down upon me from the metal roof overhead. “Hey can I try that?”

  30. Good thing they never sent this limp wristed crybaby to experience the muzzle blast from a full broadsides from an Iowa Class Battleship. Hell, a 5in would make him soil his codpiece.

  31. Don’t mean to quibble, but this guy’s supposed to be a professional writer; so I point out that meteors don’t hit the Earth.
    (more of that “ideology of science?”)
    We may not have an edit function, but he certainly does, or at least an editor.

    izlamo delenda est …

  32. “I pulled that black rifle off the shelf…felt its weight in my hands as I caressed its foregrip. I felt a burst of adrenaline course through my veins; so this is what they’re talking about! This is what every man knows! I took notice of it’s machined-perfection, its bespoke fitment and precision. Ramming a full magazine into its mag-well, I now understood the appeal. My focus and awareness on the first trigger-pull; holy shit! I’m addicted. My fear is – how do I tell my wife that I am now a gun-guy and am coming home with a Daniel Defense AR-15 and 2000 rounds of Hornady ammo?!? FUCK YEAH!”

  33. “I’m not sure what scared me more — the power of that weapon or the fact that I could have taken one home that day.”

    So there’s no background check and 3-day waiting period in Vermont? Good to know.

  34. The poor fool, is not a man, but a total wimp. The video of the small 7 year old girl shooting one, five times, without a flinch shows how foolish and stupid the grown, so called man, is.
    Many men and women in the military and sports, millions by the way, shoot them everyday without any problems, as this poor soul talked about.


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