Spain: Police Knock Out ‘Allahu Akhbar’ Attacker With Thrown Plastic Barrier – IOTW Report

Spain: Police Knock Out ‘Allahu Akhbar’ Attacker With Thrown Plastic Barrier

Breitbart: A police officer received light injuries Tuesday after a man shouting “Allahu Akbar” — “God is Great” in Arabic — attacked with a knife, but his rampage was short lived thanks to a quick-witted colleague.

The man, thought to be a 29-year-old Moroccan citizen, was arrested by officers after he was disabled during the confrontation at the land border between Spain and Morocco at Melilla. Now released security footage shows officers surrounding the man after he attacked one officer — leaving him with a cut hand.

The attacker has his sights set on officers as he approaches — but this distracts him from what is going on behind as one quick-thinking officer grabs a plastic road barrier and takes a long run-up. As the barrier connects with the back of the would-be terrorist’s head, he collapses to the floor and the other officers move in to make their arrest.


15 Comments on Spain: Police Knock Out ‘Allahu Akhbar’ Attacker With Thrown Plastic Barrier

  1. Remember that great scene from Indiana Jones and the sword wielding asshole?. The mussie ,or whatever , is wielding his sword and doing tricks with it while threatening Indiana.
    Indiana thinks, fuck this, I don’t have time for this shit, and shot the asshole dead. LMAO.

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