Speaker Johnson Threatens to Inflame Controversy by Slipping Controversial Surveillance Reauthorization into Defense Bill – IOTW Report

Speaker Johnson Threatens to Inflame Controversy by Slipping Controversial Surveillance Reauthorization into Defense Bill


Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) is considering putting a measure to reauthorize a controversial government surveillance law into a defense spending bill, which is viewed by some as “folding to Chuck Schumer’s agenda.”

Section 702 is a law that allows intelligence agencies to collect communications of targeted foreigners. It also may lead to targeted surveillance of Americans’ private communications, which privacy advocates consider a run around the Fourth Amendment’s requirement for a warrant to search Americans’ communications.

Section 702 will expire at the end of the year, setting up a high-stakes battle between privacy-oriented lawmakers and those sympathetic to the intelligence agencies.

However, despite strong conservative, progressive, and grassroots support for reining in Section 702, it appears that Johnson may end up putting a reauthorization of the controversial surveillance law in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). More

16 Comments on Speaker Johnson Threatens to Inflame Controversy by Slipping Controversial Surveillance Reauthorization into Defense Bill

  1. I gotta say some shit most of you already know, but they were tapping your telephones 30 years ago without a warrant. They have been recording conversations since the 5ESS in 1982, and that’s not tapping.

    That they have been tapping without warrants, and recording since even before that should tell everyone that they have been steaming envelopes and looking at everything since the beginning of time.

  2. But butt my Johnson just got hung out to dry, oh my. The longer this inaction of the House go on the better it looks for you know who, your favorite party, da Dems thank you enjoy.

  3. The issue for me lies in the fact that these type spy programs encompass everyone, not just identified potential problems. If they’re listening/studying my phone calls and find any interest their own lives must be dull indeed.

  4. I’m at home in my Twilight Zone got no privacy. Is my mind playing tricks on me?
    I always feels like somebody’s watching me. Or is it just my fantasy?
    Woh, I always feel like somebody’s watching me. Tell me is it just a dream.
    I come home at night shut the door real tight. Is it an unwanted guest or the I.R.S. cause,
    I always feel like somebody’s watching me. Got no privacy.
    I always feel like somebody’s watching me. Who’s playing tricks on me?
    Woh, I always feel like somebody’s watching me. Can’t enjoy my tea.
    I always feel like somebody’s watching me. Stop playing tricks on me.
    I always feel like somebody’s watching me. I want my privacy.
    I always feel like somebody’s watching me. Or just my fantasy.
    Woh, I always feel like somebody’s watching me.


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