Speaking of Fascist Regimes – IOTW Report

Speaking of Fascist Regimes

Let’s see how many boxes have been checked so far: Is the right to vote being dismantled? Check. Does one political party control virtually the entire government, including the highest court? Check.

… Are there threats of violent retribution against those who speak out against all this? Check. Are many mainstream media outlets willing accomplices? Check. – William Rivers Pitt

Who is William Rivers Pitt? Which conservative outlet does he write for?

None of them. The above paragraph wasn’t about the Biden regime. This was written about the Trump administration, by a lefty.

The left just can’t seem to smell their own bad breath. Or they can, but they project, lie, deceit and rely on useful fucking idiots to vote them into power.

Votes, now, no longer mean a thing. Fascists take care of that impediment, and the left has.

I remember when Trump was called a fascist because he wanted to show off military might, to the world, on July 4th. America great. America first.

The left has just filled DC with politically vetted military personnel in a show of force… against its own citizens!!!!!

Read Daniel Greenfield. His essay is chilling.

11 Comments on Speaking of Fascist Regimes

  1. Just wait until the government controls the means of production, Then Karl Marx will rise from the dead… It’s right around the corner. They will sue every business they don’t like into oblivion. It’s already starting in Maryland with the state suing oil companies for climate damage.

  2. Where are the “good guys” who were supposed to prevent this? Is there no one in government we can trust?
    Sidney Powell dropped the kracken suit so I guess it’s all over.

  3. “Sidney Powell dropped the kracken suit so I guess it’s all over.”

    That Kraken turned out to be just a toothless old pet that couldn’t harm anyone even if it wanted to.

  4. Good article but he neglected to mention that the democrat fascists had tacit help from the republican insiders.
    Think of how many times we’ve been betrayed and also recall how Trump was met with opposition at every turn by many republicans.
    This is headed for a bloody showdown.

  5. I am sure the leftists complained just as much when the Democrats held both house and the Whire House.

    As for the other stuff, Trump did not do one quarter of what they accused him of.

  6. Amicable divorce.
    Or tempestuous divorce.

    No other alternatives.

    If someone wants you to be his slave; and you want to be free; there’s NO room for “compromise.”
    If someone wants you dead; and you don’t want to be dead; there’s NO room for “compromise.”

    “Eternal vigilance is the price of Liberty” some dead white dude once said – but our vigilance failed – and we turned a blind eye towards the future – and now the future is upon us in all its ghastly terror.

    Pretty simple:
    Liberty or Slavery.
    Individualism or Collectivism.
    Prosperity or Penury.

    izlamo delenda est …


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